Neutered vs intact
(too old to reply)
Jerry Howe - The Simply Amazing Puppy Wizard <{}'; ~ ) >
2009-11-13 19:42:53 UTC
HOWEDY luckyblueme,
Looking for opinions,
We have 2 family dogs. 1 bull terrier (midi) and the other lab\bull
(neo) terrier mixed - both males, 1 yrs old, we raised them together
as pups
Neo had to go through neuter for his health because he was cryptiod
(one ball was in the abdomen)

"Although the likelihood of testicular cancer is higher in men
with an undescended testis, the risk does not warrant radical
surgery, such as removal of all intra-abdominal testes."

The Undescended Testicle: Diagnosis and Management
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine,
Chicago, Illinois

Cryptorchidism, or undescended testicle, is usually
diagnosed during the newborn examination. Recognition
of the condition, identification of associated syndromes,
proper diagnostic evaluation and timely referral for urologic
surgical therapy are important steps in preventing adverse

Consequences of Cryptorchidism

The rationale for treatment of the undescended testicle
is the prevention of potential sequelae. The most common
problems associated with undescended testicles are
testicular neoplasm, subfertility, testicular torsion and
inguinal hernia.

Testicular Cancer
It has been well documented that men with a history of
undescended testicle have a higher-than-expected incidence
of testicular germ cell cancers. While the likelihood of developing
testicular cancer has probably been overestimated in the past,
the incidence among men with an undescended testicle is
approximately one in 1,000 to one in 2,500.1 Although
significantly higher than the risk among the general population
(1:100,000), this level of risk does not warrant radical therapy,
such as removal of all intra-abdominal testes.
About 20 percent of testicular tumors in men with
unilateral cryptorchidism occur on the side with the
normally descended testicle; this finding supports
the argument against indiscriminate removal of
undescended testes.

Cryptorchidism and testicular cancer may also be
manifestations of a genetic testicular abnormality;
therefore, the development of cancer in an undescended
testis may not be caused by testicular malposition.

Although there is no proof that orchiopexy reduces
the risk of testicular cancer, it is performed to ease
detection through testicular self examination.

After Neo was neutered Midi has become increasingly aggressive towards
Surgical sexual mutilation CAUSES FEAR AGGRESSION <{}:~ ( >
Anything can proke Midi, he seems super sensitve and touchy all of a
Naaaah? Oh, just wait till IT gets urinary incontinence as 40% of your
newfHOWEND pal's dogs got <{};~ ) >

THEN your veterinary malpracticioner will prescribe medications FOR LIFE.

The fight break outs are quick and ez to stop, but
we are worried that he may seriously injure Neo.
Yeah? Perhaps your veterinary malpracticioner FAILED to mention THAT, eh??

BY his unnecessary inapupriate surgical sexual mutilation?
Do you think that the recent neutering is affecting Midi?
Here's SOME of the heelth problems caused by surgical sexual mutilation:

From: ***@yahoo.com
Date: 29 Mar 2007 08:24:42 -0700
Subject: Re: The Long-term Heath Impacts of S/N in Dogs

Unlike what you will find in Spay/Neuter Fact Sheets, the
health impacts of spay/neuter that are discussed in this
paper are all backed up with citations to the veterinary
Thank you for the EXXXPOSE on surgical sexual
mutilations in veterinary malpractice.
Always good to have more food for thought!

Material that includes research data from 2006, 2005 was
presented at ACC&D's Third International Symposium, and
part of the slideshows presentedare available here.

Issues regarding previous assumptions on what neutering does
as a 'benefit' are pretty well challenged in this data above.

Alliance for Contraception in Cats and Dogs (ACC&D) is a nonprofit
501C(3) group involved in attempting to study, define and resolve
some of the problems that currently exist internationally as they
regard issues of animal population control. "More than 120
representatives from universities, animal welfare organizations,
foundations, companies, and government agencies from 11 countries
gathered to share information and plan for the future". Main site:

"On the negative side, neutering male dogs · if done before
maturity, increases the risk of osteosarcoma (bone cancer)
by a factor of 3.8; this is a common cancer in medium/large
and larger breeds with a poor prognosis.

· increases the risk of cardiac hemangiosarcoma by a factor of 1.6;
this is a common cancer and major cause of death in some breeds

· triples the risk of hypothyroidism

· increases the risk of geriatric cognitive impairment

· triples the risk of obesity, a common health problem in dogs
with it the many associated health problems associated with

· quadruples the small risk (<0.6%) of prostate cancer

· doubles the small risk (<1%) of urinary tract cancers

· increases the risk of orthopedic disorders

· increases the risk of adverse reactions to vaccinations

Hemangiosarcoma is a common cancer in dogs. It is a major cause
of death in some breeds, such as Salukis, French Bulldogs, Irish
Water Spaniels, Flat Coated Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, Boxers,
Afghan Hounds, English Setter, Scottish Terrier, Boston Terrier,
Bulldogs, and German Shepherd Dogs24.

In an aged-matched case controlled study, spayed females were
found to have a 2.2 times higher risk of splenic hemangiosarcoma
compared to intact females24.

A retrospective study of cardiac hemangiosarcoma risk factors
found a >5 times greater risk in spayed female dogs compared
to intact female dogs and a 1.6 times higher risk in neutered
male dogs compared to intact male dogs.25 The authors suggest
a protective effect of sex hormones against hemangiosarcoma,
especially in females.

In breeds where hermangiosarcoma is an important cause of death,
the increased risk associated with spay/neuter is likely one that
should factor into decisions on whether or when to sterilize a dog.


Spay/neuter in dogs was found to be correlated with a three fold
increased risk of hypothyroidism compared to intact dogs. The
researchers suggest a cause-and-effect relationship26.

They wrote: "More important [than the mild direct impact on

thyroid function] in the association between [spaying and]
neutering and hypothyroidism may be the effect of sex hormones
on the immune system.

Castration increases the severity of autoimmune thyroiditis
in mice" which may explain the link between spay/neuter and
hypothyroidism in dogs.

"Dr. Spain, who has been recently involved in many
studies assessing the long-term risks and benefits of
early-age neutering, presented convincing data about
the effects of spay/neuter on hip dysplasia, cranial
cruciate ligament rupture, long bone development,
body weight, diabetes, urinary tract infections,
mammary cancer, and several other conditions."


An objective reading of the veterinary medical literature
reveals a complex situation with respect to the longterm
health impacts of spay/neuter in dogs.

The evidence shows that spay/neuter correlates with both
positive AND adverse health effects in dogs. It also
suggests how much we really do not yet understand about
this subject.

On balance, it appears that no compelling case can be made
for neutering most male dogs to prevent future health problems,
especially immature male dogs. The number of health problems
associated with neutering may exceed the associated health
benefits in most cases.

Has anyone seen this type of behavior before with neutered \ intact dogs?

PROBLEMS for the SAME REASONS, luckyblueme <{}:~ ) >
Any input appreciated,
their LIES IDIOCY INSANITY and ABUSE here on The Sincerely
Incredibly Freakin Insanely Simply Amazing, Majestic Grand Master
Puppy, Child, Pussy, Birdy, Goat, Ferret, Monkey, SpHOWES,
Horsey And Alcoholic / Psychotropic Anti-Psychotic Medications
SUCCESSFUL FREE WWW Wits' End Training Method Manual
Forums And Human And Animal Behavior Forensic Sciences
Research Laboratory Archives <{}';~ ) >

As they post their replies I'll CITE their own POSTED CASE HISTORIES
dumb critters an LYIN abHOWET IT <{}';~ ) >
Your welcome <{}:~ ) >
Jerry Howe - The Simply Amazing Puppy Wizard <{}'; ~ ) >
2009-11-13 20:03:56 UTC
"Jerry Howe - The Simply Amazing Puppy Wizard <{}'; ~ ) >"
Post by Jerry Howe - The Simply Amazing Puppy Wizard <{}'; ~ ) >
HOWEDY luckyblueme,
Looking for opinions,
That was intended to read: WELCOME TO The Sincerely Incredibly
Freakin Insanely Simply Amazing, Majestic Grand Master Puppy,
Child, Pussy, Birdy, Goat, Ferret, Monkey, SpHOWES, Horsey
And Alcoholic / Psychotropic Anti-Psychotic Medications ABUSE
FREE WWW Wits' End Training Method Manual Forums And Human
And Animal Behavior Forensic Sciences Research Laboratory Archives <{}';~ )
Post by Jerry Howe - The Simply Amazing Puppy Wizard <{}'; ~ ) >
We have 2 family dogs. 1 bull terrier (midi) and the other lab\bull
(neo) terrier mixed - both males, 1 yrs old, we raised them together
as pups
Neo had to go through neuter for his health because he was cryptiod
(one ball was in the abdomen)

"Although the likelihood of testicular cancer is higher in men
with an undescended testis, the risk does not warrant radical
surgery, such as removal of all intra-abdominal testes."

The Undescended Testicle: Diagnosis and Management
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine,
Chicago, Illinois

Cryptorchidism, or undescended testicle, is usually
diagnosed during the newborn examination. Recognition
of the condition, identification of associated syndromes,
proper diagnostic evaluation and timely referral for urologic
surgical therapy are important steps in preventing adverse

Consequences of Cryptorchidism

The rationale for treatment of the undescended testicle
is the prevention of potential sequelae. The most common
problems associated with undescended testicles are
testicular neoplasm, subfertility, testicular torsion and
inguinal hernia.

Testicular Cancer
It has been well documented that men with a history of
undescended testicle have a higher-than-expected incidence
of testicular germ cell cancers. While the likelihood of developing
testicular cancer has probably been overestimated in the past,
the incidence among men with an undescended testicle is
approximately one in 1,000 to one in 2,500.1 Although
significantly higher than the risk among the general population
(1:100,000), this level of risk does not warrant radical therapy,
such as removal of all intra-abdominal testes.
About 20 percent of testicular tumors in men with
unilateral cryptorchidism occur on the side with the
normally descended testicle; this finding supports
the argument against indiscriminate removal of
undescended testes.

Cryptorchidism and testicular cancer may also be
manifestations of a genetic testicular abnormality;
therefore, the development of cancer in an undescended
testis may not be caused by testicular malposition.

Although there is no proof that orchiopexy reduces
the risk of testicular cancer, it is performed to ease
detection through testicular self examination.

Post by Jerry Howe - The Simply Amazing Puppy Wizard <{}'; ~ ) >
After Neo was neutered Midi has become increasingly aggressive towards
Surgical sexual mutilation CAUSES FEAR AGGRESSION <{}:~ ( >
Post by Jerry Howe - The Simply Amazing Puppy Wizard <{}'; ~ ) >
Anything can proke Midi, he seems super sensitve and touchy all of a
Naaaah? Oh, just wait till IT gets urinary incontinence as 40% of your
newfHOWEND pal's dogs got <{};~ ) >

THEN your veterinary malpracticioner will prescribe medications FOR LIFE.

Post by Jerry Howe - The Simply Amazing Puppy Wizard <{}'; ~ ) >
The fight break outs are quick and ez to stop, but
we are worried that he may seriously injure Neo.
Yeah? Perhaps your veterinary malpracticioner FAILED to mention THAT, eh??

BY his unnecessary inapupriate surgical sexual mutilation?
Post by Jerry Howe - The Simply Amazing Puppy Wizard <{}'; ~ ) >
Do you think that the recent neutering is affecting Midi?
Here's SOME of the heelth problems caused by surgical sexual mutilation:

From: ***@yahoo.com
Date: 29 Mar 2007
Subject: Re: The Long-term Heath Impacts of S/N in Dogs

Post by Jerry Howe - The Simply Amazing Puppy Wizard <{}'; ~ ) >
Unlike what you will find in Spay/Neuter Fact Sheets, the
health impacts of spay/neuter that are discussed in this
paper are all backed up with citations to the veterinary
Thank you for the EXXXPOSE on surgical sexual
mutilations in veterinary malpractice.
Always good to have more food for thought!

Material that includes research data from 2006, 2005 was
presented at ACC&D's Third International Symposium, and
part of the slideshows presentedare available here.

Issues regarding previous assumptions on what neutering does
as a 'benefit' are pretty well challenged in this data above.

Alliance for Contraception in Cats and Dogs (ACC&D) is a nonprofit
501C(3) group involved in attempting to study, define and resolve
some of the problems that currently exist internationally as they
regard issues of animal population control. "More than 120
representatives from universities, animal welfare organizations,
foundations, companies, and government agencies from 11 countries
gathered to share information and plan for the future". Main site:

"On the negative side, neutering male dogs · if done before
maturity, increases the risk of osteosarcoma (bone cancer)
by a factor of 3.8; this is a common cancer in medium/large
and larger breeds with a poor prognosis.

· increases the risk of cardiac hemangiosarcoma by a factor of 1.6;
this is a common cancer and major cause of death in some breeds

· triples the risk of hypothyroidis

· increases the risk of geriatric cognitive impairment

· triples the risk of obesity, a common health problem in dogs
with it the many associated health problems associated with

· quadruples the small risk (<0.6%) of prostate cancer

· doubles the small risk (<1%) of urinary tract cancers

· increases the risk of orthopedic disorders

· increases the risk of adverse reactions to vaccinations

Hemangiosarcoma is a common cancer in dogs. It is a major cause
of death in some breeds, such as Salukis, French Bulldogs, Irish
Water Spaniels, Flat Coated Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, Boxers,
Afghan Hounds, English Setter, Scottish Terrier, Boston Terrier,
Bulldogs, and German Shepherd Dogs24.

In an aged-matched case controlled study, spayed females were
found to have a 2.2 times higher risk of splenic hemangiosarcoma
compared to intact females24.

A retrospective study of cardiac hemangiosarcoma risk factors
found a >5 times greater risk in spayed female dogs compared
to intact female dogs and a 1.6 times higher risk in neutered
male dogs compared to intact male dogs.25 The authors suggest
a protective effect of sex hormones against hemangiosarcoma,
especially in females.

In breeds where hermangiosarcoma is an important cause of death,
the increased risk associated with spay/neuter is likely one that
should factor into decisions on whether or when to sterilize a dog.


Spay/neuter in dogs was found to be correlated with a three fold
increased risk of hypothyroidism compared to intact dogs. The
researchers suggest a cause-and-effect relationship26.

They wrote: "More important [than the mild direct impact on
thyroid function] in the association between [spaying and]
neutering and hypothyroidism may be the effect of sex hormones
on the immune system.

Castration increases the severity of autoimmune thyroiditis
in mice" which may explain the link between spay/neuter and
hypothyroidism in dogs.

"Dr. Spain, who has been recently involved in many
studies assessing the long-term risks and benefits of
early-age neutering, presented convincing data about
the effects of spay/neuter on hip dysplasia, cranial
cruciate ligament rupture, long bone development,
body weight, diabetes, urinary tract infections,
mammary cancer, and several other conditions."


An objective reading of the veterinary medical literature
reveals a complex situation with respect to the longterm
health impacts of spay/neuter in dogs.

The evidence shows that spay/neuter correlates with both
positive AND adverse health effects in dogs. It also
suggests how much we really do not yet understand about
this subject.

On balance, it appears that no compelling case can be made
for neutering most male dogs to prevent future health problems,
especially immature male dogs. The number of health problems
associated with neutering may exceed the associated health
benefits in most cases.

Post by Jerry Howe - The Simply Amazing Puppy Wizard <{}'; ~ ) >
Has anyone seen this type of behavior before with neutered \ intact dogs?

PROBLEMS for the SAME REASONS, luckyblueme <{}:~ ) >
Post by Jerry Howe - The Simply Amazing Puppy Wizard <{}'; ~ ) >
Any input appreciated,
their LIES IDIOCY INSANITY and ABUSE here on The Sincerely
Incredibly Freakin Insanely Simply Amazing, Majestic Grand Master
Puppy, Child, Pussy, Birdy, Goat, Ferret, Monkey, SpHOWES,
Horsey And Alcoholic / Psychotropic Anti-Psychotic Medications
SUCCESSFUL FREE WWW Wits' End Training Method Manual
Forums And Human And Animal Behavior Forensic Sciences
Research Laboratory Archives <{}';~ ) >

As they post their replies I'll CITE their own POSTED CASE HISTORIES
dumb critters an LYIN abHOWET IT <{}';~ ) >
Post by Jerry Howe - The Simply Amazing Puppy Wizard <{}'; ~ ) >
Your welcome <{}:~ ) >
Post by Jerry Howe - The Simply Amazing Puppy Wizard <{}'; ~ ) >
2009-11-14 20:26:22 UTC
Post by Jerry Howe - The Simply Amazing Puppy Wizard <{}'; ~ ) >
"Jerry Howe - The Simply Amazing Puppy Wizard <{}'; ~ ) >"
Post by Jerry Howe - The Simply Amazing Puppy Wizard <{}'; ~ ) >
HOWEDY luckyblueme,
Looking for opinions,
That was intended to read: WELCOME TO The Sincerely Incredibly
Freakin Insanely Simply Amazing, Majestic Grand Master Puppy,
Child, Pussy, Birdy, Goat, Ferret, Monkey, SpHOWES, Horsey
And Alcoholic / Psychotropic Anti-Psychotic Medications ABUSE
FREE WWW Wits' End Training Method Manual Forums And Human
And Animal Behavior Forensic Sciences Research Laboratory Archives
<{}';~ ) >
Post by Jerry Howe - The Simply Amazing Puppy Wizard <{}'; ~ ) >
We have 2 family dogs. 1 bull terrier (midi) and the other lab\bull
(neo) terrier mixed - both males, 1 yrs old, we raised them together
as pups
Neo had to go through neuter for his health because he was cryptiod
(one ball was in the abdomen)
"Although the likelihood of testicular cancer is higher in men
with an undescended testis, the risk does not warrant radical
surgery, such as removal of all intra-abdominal testes."
The Undescended Testicle: Diagnosis and Management
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine,
Chicago, Illinois
Cryptorchidism, or undescended testicle, is usually
diagnosed during the newborn examination. Recognition
of the condition, identification of associated syndromes,
proper diagnostic evaluation and timely referral for urologic
surgical therapy are important steps in preventing adverse
Consequences of Cryptorchidism
The rationale for treatment of the undescended testicle
is the prevention of potential sequelae. The most common
problems associated with undescended testicles are
testicular neoplasm, subfertility, testicular torsion and
inguinal hernia.
Testicular Cancer
It has been well documented that men with a history of
undescended testicle have a higher-than-expected incidence
of testicular germ cell cancers. While the likelihood of developing
testicular cancer has probably been overestimated in the past,
the incidence among men with an undescended testicle is
approximately one in 1,000 to one in 2,500.1 Although
significantly higher than the risk among the general population
(1:100,000), this level of risk does not warrant radical therapy,
such as removal of all intra-abdominal testes.
About 20 percent of testicular tumors in men with
unilateral cryptorchidism occur on the side with the
normally descended testicle; this finding supports
the argument against indiscriminate removal of
undescended testes.
Cryptorchidism and testicular cancer may also be
manifestations of a genetic testicular abnormality;
therefore, the development of cancer in an undescended
testis may not be caused by testicular malposition.
Although there is no proof that orchiopexy reduces
the risk of testicular cancer, it is performed to ease
detection through testicular self examination.
Post by Jerry Howe - The Simply Amazing Puppy Wizard <{}'; ~ ) >
After Neo was neutered Midi has become increasingly aggressive towards
Surgical sexual mutilation CAUSES FEAR AGGRESSION <{}:~ ( >
Post by Jerry Howe - The Simply Amazing Puppy Wizard <{}'; ~ ) >
Anything can proke Midi, he seems super sensitve and touchy all of a
Naaaah? Oh, just wait till IT gets urinary incontinence as 40% of your
newfHOWEND pal's dogs got <{};~ ) >
THEN your veterinary malpracticioner will prescribe medications FOR LIFE.
What you missed was that the one with the aggression problem is *not*
the one that was neutered. It's the intact one that changed attitudes.
Why would that happen?

Jerry Howe - The Simply Amazing Puppy Wizard <{}'; ~ ) >
2009-11-14 21:27:53 UTC
HOWEDY Chardonnay9,
Post by Char
Post by Jerry Howe - The Simply Amazing Puppy Wizard <{}'; ~ ) >
"Jerry Howe - The Simply Amazing Puppy Wizard <{}'; ~ ) >"
Post by Jerry Howe - The Simply Amazing Puppy Wizard <{}'; ~ ) >
HOWEDY luckyblueme,
Looking for opinions,
That was intended to read: WELCOME TO The Sincerely Incredibly
Freakin Insanely Simply Amazing, Majestic Grand Master Puppy,
Child, Pussy, Birdy, Goat, Ferret, Monkey, SpHOWES, Horsey
And Alcoholic / Psychotropic Anti-Psychotic Medications ABUSE
FREE WWW Wits' End Training Method Manual Forums And Human
And Animal Behavior Forensic Sciences Research Laboratory Archives
<{}';~ ) >
Post by Jerry Howe - The Simply Amazing Puppy Wizard <{}'; ~ ) >
We have 2 family dogs. 1 bull terrier (midi) and the other lab\bull
(neo) terrier mixed - both males, 1 yrs old, we raised them together
as pups
Neo had to go through neuter for his health because he was cryptiod
(one ball was in the abdomen)
"Although the likelihood of testicular cancer is higher in men
with an undescended testis, the risk does not warrant radical
surgery, such as removal of all intra-abdominal testes."
The Undescended Testicle: Diagnosis and Management
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine,
Chicago, Illinois
Cryptorchidism, or undescended testicle, is usually
diagnosed during the newborn examination. Recognition
of the condition, identification of associated syndromes,
proper diagnostic evaluation and timely referral for urologic
surgical therapy are important steps in preventing adverse
Consequences of Cryptorchidism
The rationale for treatment of the undescended testicle
is the prevention of potential sequelae. The most common
problems associated with undescended testicles are
testicular neoplasm, subfertility, testicular torsion and
inguinal hernia.
Testicular Cancer
It has been well documented that men with a history of
undescended testicle have a higher-than-expected incidence
of testicular germ cell cancers. While the likelihood of developing
testicular cancer has probably been overestimated in the past,
the incidence among men with an undescended testicle is
approximately one in 1,000 to one in 2,500.1 Although
significantly higher than the risk among the general population
(1:100,000), this level of risk does not warrant radical therapy,
such as removal of all intra-abdominal testes.
About 20 percent of testicular tumors in men with
unilateral cryptorchidism occur on the side with the
normally descended testicle; this finding supports
the argument against indiscriminate removal of
undescended testes.
Cryptorchidism and testicular cancer may also be
manifestations of a genetic testicular abnormality;
therefore, the development of cancer in an undescended
testis may not be caused by testicular malposition.
Although there is no proof that orchiopexy reduces
the risk of testicular cancer, it is performed to ease
detection through testicular self examination.
Post by Jerry Howe - The Simply Amazing Puppy Wizard <{}'; ~ ) >
After Neo was neutered Midi has become increasingly aggressive towards
Surgical sexual mutilation CAUSES FEAR AGGRESSION <{}:~ ( >
Post by Jerry Howe - The Simply Amazing Puppy Wizard <{}'; ~ ) >
Anything can proke Midi, he seems super sensitve and touchy all of a
Naaaah? Oh, just wait till IT gets urinary incontinence as 40% of your
newfHOWEND pal's dogs got <{};~ ) >
THEN your veterinary malpracticioner will prescribe medications FOR LIFE.
What you missed was that the one with the aggression
problem is *not* the one that was neutered.
Thank you for puttin me straight on that.
Post by Char
It's the intact one that changed attitudes.
Perhaps; perhaps not. Dogs come into their sexual maturity at 9-12 months;
the maturing process CONtinues till 18-24 months; the trHOWEBLE may
have been brewin pryor to the unnecessary, inapupriate surgical sexual
Post by Char
Why would that happen?
You MIGHT wanna ask the vet <{}:~ ( >

the OWNER may be "warning" the dogs to 'BE NICE or I'll HURT
you or lock you up in a box' <{}:~ ( >


Subject: Re: Neutered vs intact
Post by Char
Looking for opinions,
"lots of benign supervision to interrupt the aggressive
behaviors *before* they start (its FAR better to identify
and interrupt Midi before he's triggered than it is to have
to keep breaking them up)."
Post by Char
And NHOWE perhaps tara will teach us HOWE to do that?

2009-11-15 13:18:04 UTC
And back on topic....
Neo had to go through neuter for his health because he was cryptiod
(one ball was in the abdomen)
You are right about that! Looks like it's all about the money and not
about the safety of the pet. Even if there was reason to take the
testicle that didn't fall it leaves questions as to why the one that was
where it belonged was taken as well.
Jerry Howe - The Simply Amazing Puppy Wizard <{}'; ~ ) >
2009-11-15 19:28:36 UTC
HOWEDY Chardonnay9,

Seein as there AIN'T NO REASON to have surgically
sexually molested the dog to BEGIN with, perhaps the
question should be put to her veterinary malpracticioner
and the state board of veterinary malpracticioners?

TPW <{}';~ ) >
Post by Char
And back on topic....
Neo had to go through neuter for his health because he was cryptiod
(one ball was in the abdomen)
You are right about that! Looks like it's all about the money and not
about the safety of the pet. Even if there was reason to take the testicle
that didn't fall it leaves questions as to why the one that was where it
belonged was taken as well.
2009-11-19 23:15:37 UTC
Post by Jerry Howe - The Simply Amazing Puppy Wizard <{}'; ~ ) >
HOWEDY Chardonnay9,
Seein as there AIN'T NO REASON to have surgically
sexually molested the dog to BEGIN with, perhaps the
question should be put to her veterinary malpracticioner
and the state board of veterinary malpracticioners?
TPW <{}';~ ) >
Yeah, if they would actually listen and understand the damage done. The
worst part is that they really feel they are doing it for the good of
the pet. I remember thinking like that. I'm glad I know better now.

And the good news is that slowly, so very slowly, pet owners are
figuring it all out.

Jerry Howe - The Simply Amazing Puppy Wizard <{}'; ~ ) >
2009-11-14 01:34:34 UTC
HOWEDY tara green aka taragreen2, you pathetic miserable
stinkin rotten lyin animal murderin multi-dimensionally mentally,
socially, morally, ethically challenged insufficent, stiffled, stilted,
stunted, abused, drunken drug crazed active acute chronic life-
professional pathological LYIN ANIMAL MURDERIN / dog trainin
Looking for opinions,
We have 2 family dogs. 1 bull terrier (midi) and the other lab\bull
(neo) terrier mixed - both males, 1 yrs old, we raised them together
as pups
Neo had to go through neuter for his health because he was cryptiod
(one ball was in the abdomen) After Neo was neutered Midi has become
increasingly aggressive towards Neo. Anything can proke Midi, he seems
super sensitve and touchy all of a sudden. The fight break outs are
quick and ez to stop, but we are worried that he may seriously injure
Do you think that the recent neutering is affecting Midi?
Has anyone seen this type of behavior before with neutered \
intact dogs?
Short answer: it could be a trigger.
INDEED? You think surgically sexually mutilatin
Could be the reduction in hormones,
You think "reducing hormones" CAUSES FEAR AGGRESSION?
could be that Neo came back smelling "funny" like the hospital,
Oh? Oh, you mean JUST LIKE HOWE kelly aka culprit aka metta's
DEAD KAT with seven THOWESAND bucks of unnecessary surgries
and chronic DIS-EASES till her dogs MURDERED HER two weeks
after she began SHOCKING them and using her to set the dogs up
to cross the shock barrier... till she FORGOT to put their SHOCK
COLLARS on and they bolted through and ATE HER DEATHLY ILL
KAT right there in front of her JUST LIKE HOWE The Amazing Puppy
DATA like that of lia altshuller's fear aggressive dog aggressive vet
aggressive child aggressive dog Cubbe began TURNING ON HER
since she first started jerking and choking IT till she went to a
PRONGED SPIKED PINCH CHOKE collar and shocking her till she
ATTACKED her ONLY FRIEND as she stood in Cubbe's SHOCK
ZONE the same same as she did when she TURNED ON THE
CHILD she'd just been PLAYIN WITH till she stepped into Cubbe's
SHOCK ZONE just like HOWE she done to the little boy she used
to play with?


Luckyblueme don't SEEM like a lyin animal murderin MENTAL
PATIENT like yourself, tara:

From: Tara G
Date: Fri, Mar 31 2000
Email: Tara G <***@gateway.net>
Groups: alt.support.divorce

Thanks for this reply, Victoria.

I have lived with depression since I was 12 or 13 years old.

Grand generalizations like the one the poster made sometimes
cause a stupid "knee-jerk" reaction in me. I'm glad I read your
post before replying.

It would be really really nice if the world actually worked the way
that B4 thinks it should. But, I know it don't work that way for me :)

Oddly enough, I *used* to be against taking "happy pills" (as I used to
call Anti-Depressants....before I was educated about them). I thought
people were supposed to just "tough it out" and figure out what was
*causing* the depression. While I still believe in that last part, it
isn't *always* possible to do that without extra help.

I see nothing at all wrong with needing help and recieving it in order
to move forward in working through something like depression (or many
other issues as well).



could just be the changed dynamic after being apart
INDEED? Have you EVER SEEN ANY CRITTER suffer from
a "CHANGED DYNAMIC after bein apart", tara?

"Seem" like you're blowin smoke up HOWER collective arses again, eh, tara??
(though I think that would be mitigated by one of the prior two things).
You mean the "reduction in hormones, could be that Neo
came back smelling "funny" like the hospital" DYNAMIC, tara?


I don't think that statement even makes sense, does it, tara?
Lots and lots of positive games between the two,
lots of benign supervision to interrupt the aggressive
behaviors *before* they start
INDEED? Oh, you mean, LIKE THIS?:

Subject: Re: Starting over
"Tara" <***@verizon.not> wrote in message news:***@

No, obsessive coprophagia isn't usually something that gets better
without some *serious* aversives. Which is sad. I'm glad you were
able to find people who were even willing to entertain the thought....

at least that's encouraging!




Oh, you sez "obsessive coprophagia isn't usually something
that gets better without some *serious* aversives"???

Is that based on your EXXXTREME EXXXPERTEASE


PRECISELY OPPOSITE of HOWE these pathetic miserable
stinkin rotten lyin animal murderin MENTAL CASES PREFER <{}: ~ ( >


A Salute To tara green:
"Sneaky Anger", "The Cold Shoulder", "Shaming And Beratement").

Still Crazy, After All These Years
<{} '; ~ ) >

Tara Green is a dog trainer of sorts in New York City left
rpd* claiming that she could not afford internet access and/or
a computer, but her story is of value nonetheless was on
antidepressants for a few years prior to her marriage.

During her marriage, she learned a lot: "With the
therapist I saw during my marriage I learned that some
situational depressions are masked as chemical simply
because of our too human ability to prolong the impact of
the causal situations indefinitely"

Sounds like more denial, see leah

Tara is also a drunk who has also had problems with other

TARA on being a drunk/substance abuser:

"Tara (who had some problems with quite a
few substances as well, but who thinks they are separate
issues.....so which camp does that put me in???)"

"Believe it or not, some people don't have a problem with
drugs even though they are alcoholics. I'm not one of those
people, but they do exist."

aka, tara has problems with both


S&M Doggy Sex
With tara green, Professional Dog Trainer,
Liar, Dog Abusing Coward, Active Acute Chronic Life-Long
Incurable Mental Case <{); ~ ) >

HOWEDY tara g aka tara.green2 you multi dimensional
drug crazed drunken pathetic dog abusin psychopath,

From The Annals Of Human And Animal Behavior Forensic Sciences
Research Laboratory

Subject: HELP my dogs are having S&M sex!

From: Tara
Date: Thurs, Jun 19 2003
Email: Tara <***@verizon.net>
Groups: rec.pets.dogs
My two chihuahuas started having sex.... but they always get stuck!
Both whimper in pain as they try to get unstuck. This lasts about 5
minutes and I come to the rescue and try and help pry them off. After
much pulling and some baby oil, they are seperated. But I notice that
the male's schlong looks huge (around 2 inches), gored with blood....
is this normal or a result of the rough sex?
How do I stop these two siblings from inbreeding
cause I can't be around to seperate them all the time.
Well, you could always spay the female and neuter the male.

Frankly, I think you should start there.....as soon as possible.


Talk abHOWET S&M sex, eh tarag aka tara.green2???

(its FAR better to identify and interrupt Midi before he's triggered than
it is to have to keep breaking them up).
Oh, well then, perhaps you should EXXXPLAIN HOWE to do that, tara?

Date: 2 Jan 2007

Subject: Re: Electronic collars, was Re: Dog chewing up floors

HOWEDY tara green aka tara.green2, you pathetic multi
mentally, socially, morally, ethically challenged insufficent,
stiffled, stunted, abused, drunken drug crazed life long punk
thug coward active acute chronic mental case and professional
dog abuser,
using them as we usually do, for field training.
Yep. Jen keeps saying, "Oh, I don't mean anything negative" while
continuously slamming people for "cruel" methods that she can't even
Those who slavishly devote themselves to one type of
training and who condemn others are the poorer for it.

I clicker train. I use choke collars. I shape behaviors.
I use drive work for focus and intensity. I use pinch
collars. I use harnesses. I use food. I use positive
and negative punishment.

Some of these things I use frenquently. Some very
infrequently. I tend to focus my training in the
quadrants of positive reinforcement and negative
punishment, and am far more likely to eliminate
undesired behavior through ignoring it than any
other way.

I'll also grab my young dog by the collar, lift
her up on her back feet, and tell her to KNOCK
IT OFF in no uncertain terms when the little snot
gets into overdrive and bites me.

If you want to discuss training, discuss it here.
But be willing to listen as well as talk. And
please stop top posting.

Robn Nuttall.


How long ago was the surgery?
It'd be at least ten days till the dog was ready to PLAY, wouldn't you

Perhaps you'll teach us all abHOWET the HEELTH, TEMPERAMENT an
BEHAVIOR PROBLEMS CAUSED BY surgical sexual mutilations, eh, tara?

Jerry Howe - The Simply Amazing Puppy Wizard <{}'; ~ ) >
2009-11-19 18:14:54 UTC
HOWEDY karmachao, you pathetic miserable stinkin
rotten lyin anonymHOWES coward and active acute
chronic life-long incurable malignant maliciHOWES
Mmm, mmm, mmm. Years and years of millions of completely mindless
lines of drivel from you and STILL no one cares about you...well,
except for the other weirdo "Char."
How incredibly sad, really...

You wanna see EXXXACTLY HOWE "incredibly sad, really...''?

HOWE'S THIS, you pathetic piece of crap??:

Newsgroups: rec.pets.dogs.behavior
From: ***@live.com
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2008

Subject: Re: Intangible DON'T ALLOW THAT

wow. I've never come across someone so ignorant as you. I will not
respond any more nor read anything you have to say. The only thing
you are an "exxxpert" in is being a complete moron and idiot and

dont worry everyone I will not respond to him.




Newsgroups: rec.pets.dogs.behavior
From: ***@live.com
Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2008

Subject: Re: Most Humiliating Pet Costumes of 2008
Michael wants to dress Peanut up as Underdog. I told him only if he
dresses up as Sweet Polly Purebred, so I think this is not going to
Kevin Michael Vail | Dogbert: That's circular reasoning.
I'm dressing my dog up as Jerry Howe - the most humiliating costume



Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology
From: ***@live.com
Date: Sun, 26 Oct 2008

Subject: Re: Useless, Soul-Destroying Antidepressants
From the Comment is Free section of the Guardian. "I'm more
anti-antidepressants than the Pope is anti-femidoms. Except, while the
wouldn't be directly harmed by femidoms (unless we all launched thousands
them at Vatican City, twanging them like rubber bands), anti-depressants
depressed me till I prayed to God to make the pain stop. To my mind (which
produces decidedly more seratonin without them), SSRIs like Prozac are the
devil's own medication, the bitter, useless soul-destroyers he glugs down
his Alpen. As today's major review concludes, they don't make anything or
better, yet doctors dish them out like Chat magazine."
Do you have a life? I think you need medications...



Newsgroups: rec.pets.dogs.behavior
From: ***@live.com
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2008
Subject: Re: vet visit - long

On Oct 16, 11:35 pm, Handsome Jack Morrison
Maybe you should try it sometime. Me, I have got a little
time to waste tonight which is why I'm replying to you.
I've got months to waste!
Wow what a sad life you must lead
I have a great life, and enjoy the shit out of pointing out
who the dumb, lazy, ankle-biting cunts around here are.
And when I can't be here myself, pointing out that you're a
dumb, lazy fucking cunt, I'll have someone else here point
out how your're such a dumb, lazy freakin' cunt
Really? Who Jerry?
I'm sitting around a large table in the trainer's room, and have the
company of several employees who work here, so we'll work in shifts,
if we have to, because you're such a dumb, lazy, fucking cunt.
Just wait until we get a few more beers in us, you dumb fucking cunt
Cuz you two are the only two posters here that I see
that would do such a thing.
That's because you're such a lazy, dumb fucking cunt.
When morning arrives, I'll have even more folks here who'll
enjoy pointing out that you're a dumb, lazy fucking cunt.
Actually, I think you are a dumb fucking dickhole and kat is only
seeking information, fuckface. I'm surprised she hasn't jumped all
over you using the C word over and over, assclown.


Newsgroups: rec.pets.dogs.behavior
From: Handsome Jack Morrison <***@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 17 Oct 2008
Subject: Re: vet visit - long
Back off the whiskey, or is this how you normally are (I hope not!) ?
Why do you think I have him KF'd?
Cuz you're a bimbo?

Moreover, being in every bimbo's kill file is actually something to
strive for. Like good health.

And while I may be in all of your kill files, you just can't bring
yourselves to stop talking about me, or mentioning my name.

Which is very interesting behavior, to say the least.

But then again, this *is* a behavior board.
Handsome Jack Morrison


Newsgroups: rec.pets.dogs.behavior
From: ***@live.com
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2008

Subject: Re: vet visit - long

On Oct 17, 1:00 am, Handsome Jack Morrison
Yo! Go fuck yourself. Kat *is* a dumb fucking cunt who enjoys
wasting people's time, and gnawing on my ankles.
Go fuck yourself, cunt-face!
So fuck her, fuck you, and fuck the horse you both rode in on.
I'm surprised she hasn't jumped all
over you using the C word over and over, assclown.
Well, why not try it yourself, you dumb fucking cunt.
Is that really the best you can do to try to insult me? That is ALL
you have?
It's pretty hard to really insult a dumb fucking cunt, but here goes
anyway, you dumb fucking cunt.
Go fuck yourself, you dumb fucking cunt, who's so fucking dumb that
she follows Jerry Howe(!) around and calls him names.
Oooooh. That'll teach him.
You dumb fucking cunt.
WOW! Impressive!!! So HOWE is your boyfriend, Howe?

I simply blocked him.

Why can't you block kat? Too dumb?




Newsgroups: rec.pets.dogs.behavior
From: ***@live.com
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2008
Subject: Re: vet visit - long

On Oct 17, 1:22 am, Handsome Jack Morrison
Oooooh. That'll teach him.
You dumb fucking cunt.
WOW! Impressive!!! So HOWE is your boyfriend, Howe?
I simply blocked him. Why can't you block kat? Too dumb?
You're getting what you want, aren't, you dumb fucking cunt?
Yup - and you fell for it all, you dumbass! LOLOLOLOL

Fucking idiot!!


Newsgroups: rec.pets.dogs.behavior
From: Handsome Jack Morrison <***@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2008
Subject: Re: vet visit - long
Back off the whiskey, or is this how you normally are (I hope not!) ?
What business is it of yours?

Are you another freakin' bimbo, or just a prospect?
Handsome Jack Morrison


Newsgroups: rec.pets.dogs.behavior

From: ***@live.com
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2008
Subject: Re: vet visit - longOn Oct 16, 11:51 pm, Handsome Jack Morrison
Back off the whiskey, or is this how you normally are (I hope not!) ?
What business is it of yours?
Are you another freakin' bimbo, or just a prospect?
I'm another bimbo cunt. And?


Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology
From: ***@live.com
Date: Sat, 11 Oct 2008
Subject: Re: Driven mad by psychiatric drugs
The FDA advises telling patients and their families, "Pay close
attention to any day-to-day changes in mood, behavior and actions.
These changes can happen very quickly so it is important to be mindful
of any sudden differences." But distressed and drugged patients are
rarely able to "pay close attention" to changes in their emotions and
behavior. As I describe in Brain-Disabling Treatments in Psychiatry
(2008), the spellbinding effects of psychiatric drugs make individuals
unaware of how their drugs are worsening their condition. Patients who
are made crazy by their medications are likely to blame their mental
changes on their "mental illness" or on stresses in their lives. Time
and again, I have evaluated patients who have been driven mad by
psychiatric drugs without realizing that the medications were having
any negative impact on them.
What are you trying to accomplish? Really? Trying to recruit more
cult members? What? Be honest.


Newsgroups: rec.pets.dogs.behavior, alt.religion.kibology
From: "Human_And_Animal_Behaviour_Forensic_Sciences_Research_Laboratory"
Date: Thu, 2 Oct 2008
Subject: Re: Oh Terri...................................­..........

HOWEDY karmachao, you pathetic miserable stinkin
rotten lyin anonymHOWES coward and probable active
acute chronic life-long incurable malignant maliciHOWES
On Wed, 1 Oct 2008 08:42:34 -0400,
HOWEDY janet you pathetic miserable stinkin rotten lyin
animal murderin punk thug coward active acute chronic
life-long incurable malignant maliciHOWES mental case
and professional dog trainin FRAUD an SCAM ARTIST,
It's Jerry Howe, well-known dog abuser! Still
CHOKING dogs to death, you MURDERING SCUM?
Chris McG.
Harming humanity since 1951
"Uh-oh.Looners" - Darla
** Posted fromhttp://www.teranews.com**
He only chokes his chicken since the Mrs. won't give him any action.
Is THAT any way HOWE to talk to FAMILY news groups, karm?
Then again, I highly doubt he actually has a Mrs. Howe.
Oh yeah? TRY THIS:

Date: 2000/09/19
Subject: You Have To OUT THINK Them = Jerry's WIFE Writes

Hi Ed,

Like you, when I got my first Mastiff puppy, I tried to train
her with the usual techniques, all the while thinking something
was wrong, and there had to be a better way.

You can't force these big boys and girls to do what you ask
like you can the smaller breeds. When you try, they get this
"you can't make me" attitude, and become immovable150
pound puddles of dog, or occasionally growl or snap.

Either way, they win, you lose, not good.

You can't out-muscle them, you have to out-think them.

I found that better way. and in the process, married my trainer,
but that's a different story. Anyway, we make The Wits' End
Dog Training Method manual available to download for free at
our website: http://www.doggydoright.com

Two simple exercises form the basis of the Wits' End Dog
Training Method, the Family Pack Leadership exercise, and
installing a conditioned reflex to the "come" command.

This ensures that your dog looks to you as his appropriate leader,
and comes to you the first time, every time that you call him. This
becomes the "default" command any time he decides he doesn't
want to do what you ask.

When he comes to you, he subordinates himself, and when
he sits in front of you, you dominate him. When you then
immediately return him to heel or tell him he's free, he is
rewarded by becoming your partner again.

His attitude has been adjusted, and he'll now do what you ask.

We use distraction and prolonged, nonphysical praise not just to
stop undesired behavior, but to stop the dog's desire to engage in
that behavior.

Four sets of four properly timed corrections are all it takes,
and you never have to fight with your dog, or confront him
on a physical level.

Since the desire for the behavior is eliminated, and not
suppressed like it is with most training techniques, you
won't see transfer behaviors, other malbehaviors that pop
up instead.

Please, go to the web site, download the manual and read
it through. Feel free to ignore the sales pitch, because if
you use the Wits' End method, you won't ever need a Doggy
Do Right.

If you have questions, write me and I'll help.

We realize the manual needs some serious editing, and that's
coming soon. You need to realize that it was written by a non-
linear thinker, which makes for cumbersome reading for most
of us. But in the meantime, the information is all there.

While Jerry won't get high marks for his writing style, he's
one h-ll of a dog trainer, with almost 40 years of experience.

The training method needs to be used as a whole, and not
mixed with other methods, to be effective. All good dog
training is based on consistency.

As for your question about which books I'd recommend, I have
found none that I can recommend without some reservations,
but there are several that are worth reading for general knowledge
and theory.

Just don't resort to the correction methods they recommend, like
sharp leash pops or jerks, hitting the dog in any manner, throwing
things at the dog, scruff shakes, alpha rollovers, any intimidating
use of your voice or hands. Try April Frost's Beyond Obedience,
StanleyCoren's The Intelligence of Dogs, Meisterfeld's Jellybean
meets Dr.Jeckle and Mr. Hyde, Linda Tellington-Jones' The
Tellington Touch, Dr. Pitcairn's book on natural health and diet
for dogs and cats, and Douglas Oliff's The Mastiff and Bullmastiff Handbook.

Believe me, I know how hard it is, when your pup misbehaves,
not to act from the gut. But experience has taught me that no
matter how good it makes you feel, punishing a Mastiff (or any
dog) is counter productive.

In the long run it only teaches him how to
push your buttons and yank your chain.

Hope this helps,


No one in their right mind would marry
such an ugly incompetent imbecile.
UNLESS of curse, they was lookin for PLENTY of "action" <{}': ~ ) >

HOWEDY karmachao, you pathetic miserable stinkin
rotten lyin anonymHOWES coward and probable active
acute chronic life-long incurable malignant maliciHOWES
wow. I've never come across someone so ignorant as you.
EXXXPOSE an DISCREDIT you, karmachao?
I will not respond any more nor read anything you have to say.
A WIZE IDEA, karm~!
The only thing you are an "exxxpert" in is being
a complete moron and idiot and ASSHOLE.
The Sincerely Incredibly Freakin Insanely Simply Amazing,
Majestic Grand Master Puppy, Child, Pussy, Birdy, Goat,
Ferret, Monkey, SpHOWES, And Horsey Wizard's 100%
FREE WWW Wits' End Training Method Manual Forums
And Human And Animal Behavior Forensic Sciences Research
Laboratory are FAMILY news groups, karm.

Please mind your P's an Q's <{}: ~ ) >
dont worry everyone I will not respond to him.
You mean like HOWE you done, karm??


Oh, bye the bye, karm, you FORGOT to include the
highly EMBARRASSIN cross posts and original

HOWEDY karmachao,

<***@live.com> wrote in message news:9e392523-161b-4d14-b6b8-***@c58g2000hsc.googlegroups.com...

Welcome to The Sincerely Incredibly Freakin Insanely
Simply Amazing, Majestic Grand Master Puppy, Child,
Pussy, Birdy, Goat, Ferret, Monkey, SpHOWES, And Horsey
SUCCESSFUL FREE WWW Wits' End Training Method
Manual Forums And Human And Animal Behavior Forensic
Sciences Research Laboratory.

I'm Jerry Howe, The Sincerely Incredibly Freakin
Insanely Simply Amazing, Majestic Grand Master
Puppy, Child, Pussy, Birdy, Goat, Ferret, Monkey,
SpHOWES, And Horsey Wizard, Director Of
Trainin an Research <{}'; ~ ) >

I've got forty five years of EXXXPERIENCE raising
and training mostly giant breed working dogs for families
and security specializing in temperament and behavior
problems and protection <{}: ~ ) >

Here's your own FREE COPY of The Sincerely Incredibly
Freakin Insanely Simply Amazing, Majestic Grand Master
Puppy, Child, Pussy, Birdy, Goat, Ferret, Monkey, SpHOWES,
And Horsey Wizard's 100% CONSISTENTLY NEARLY
Training Method Manual:

The actual INSTRUCTION begins on the third page "*777*
Wits' End Method", abHOWET 1/4 down the page starting
with "Here's ALL the INFORMATION you NEED" and my
phone # and instructions to CALL ANY TIME.

There you will find ALL the FREE information you need
to pupperly handle raise and train your pets and family.
Just follow the instructions PRECISELY and ASK me if
you need any additional FREE HEELP <{}': ~ ) >

You'll likeWIZE find ETHICAL nutrition and heelth
care practices taught on the heelth page *(last link
on the left side) of my website.
Who is this Howe creep?
That's EZ, karmacho~!

an DISCREDITED The Gang Of Pathetic Miserable Stinkin
Rotten Lyin Animal Murderin Punk Thug Coward Active
Acute Chronic Life-Long INCURABLE Malignant MaliciHOWES
MUTILATE innocent defenseless dumb critters an LIE
Pavlov, Corson, Skinner, and Mary Cover Jones *(the MOTHER
of modern systematic scientific psychology), et al <{}'; ~ ) >


diddler wrote:

I think paper training is ALWAYS a bad idea if you ever plan
on expecting them to potty outside. It makes the process harder.

I suggest crate training her, so she can be managed in between
potty periods. After she goes outside successfully, she can then
have supervised free time until she's due for another potty interval.

Take her out if she doesn't go, crate her, and offer her frequent
trips outside until she's successful. No bedding in the crate.

When she nips, don't play any more.I'd crate her for rough play.
I also press athumb intheir soft palate, and let them" TRY" to
spit me out. They soon enough learn that I am something they
do NOT want in their mouths


Subject: Re: hyper puppy - normal?
Thanks. She is a Brittany Spaniel. I yelp like a puppy when she
does it and sometimes that works - sometimes she keeps after it
though. A swat on the nose or holding her snout closed as I say
"no bite" - will either of those be okay to do if she keeps at it?
There are schools that say a 9wk old puppy is too young to be held
accountable for their actions, so I'm not sure I'd crank up harsh
corrections on them. A swat on the nose may be in that realm at this
point. Holding the snout closed is more appropriate with the "no"
correction at this point if you ask me.
Puppys ARE accountable for their actions, and if
you don't start teaching them, when WILL they be

Tuck was housebroken at 6 weeks old. And he had
already learned not to mouth people. WHY? Because
I taught him. (In the very same Method Jack Morrison
had already prescribed. It works) I do agree the poor
pup should not be face swatted.

In the same vein, I'm going to steal Jack's comments
about the Bigotry of low expectations. If you don't
believe a dog can do something, they surely can't.


And here's the PREDICTABLE results:

Subject: Re: The kind of mess uneducated breeders are making

No idea what he is. He's supposed to be part chow, but he
looks more aussie/duck tolling retriever to me than anything
with a pomeranian tail.

His facial animations are hilarious, you can see the wheels
turning, and he's very engaging. The down side is, a kid from
next door came over and pulled his ears, and he bit the kid on
the face resulting in a $300,000 plastic surgery.

I have a zero tolerance for dog bites, and would normally
put a dog that did that down, but this dog was the victim




Here's HOWE COME laura MURDERED her DEAD DOG Chewie:

From: Laura Arlov (***@wordfixers.no)
Subject: Re: Chewie bit my husband !

Date: 1999/01/20

Well, we're doing as you say Dogman,
and I'll keep you all posted.

Laura in Oslo
You're quite the dog enthusiast, eh laura?
The listener,
You didn't WANT to listen to The Puppy Wizard when
HE told you you couldn't PUNISH and INTIMIDATE
your dog or you'd make IT aggressive.
the observer.
We do work were you sometimes have to observe people
Like laura, MURDERING her dog...
and take notes.
B. has amazing powers of observation and concentration.
Laura and Angel in Oslo
"Feisty, Humorous, Brave, Curious And
Playful. Full Of "Joie de Vivre," And DEAD.


Subject: < BEFORE -> "Jerry, You filthy, Unctuous,
No Good Charlatan,"

< AFTER -> "Thank You Jerry For Putting Up With
A Constant Barrage Of Really Infantile
Crap At The Hands Of Supposedly Adult
Dog Lovers.

'Naive' Is Believing You Can Terrorize
A Dog Into Good Behavior," Robert Crim.
Subject: Re: Fritz---a retrospective Date: 02/05/1999 Author: Robert Crim
If you had any idea of what dogs and dog people were about you
would realize the depths of the absolute loathing and contempt I
hold for you right now. Were it not for the blessed distance and
anonymity that the internet gives us from the scummy likes of
you, I would probably be in a jail cell right now for turning you
into the pile of shit you really are
Hey, Howe, you really are a wacko, eh?

Crim wrote this about *YOU,* you insipid piece of cow dung!

On Thu, 17 Jun 1999 20:24:15 -0700, dogsnus
Hey, do like me, and killfile Jerry. He has millions of people aleady
reading his posts and watching him extract his soggy foot out of his
mouth! Out of these MILLIONS, I've only seen 2 naive childs come
forward and actually believe in his training manual.
Robert Crim writes:

I assume that I and my wife are those two naive childs
since I freely admit to having read and, I hope, understood
enough of the manual and it's counterparts by John Fisher
and the posts of Marilyn Rammell to believe and use it.

This naive child would like to say thank you to both
Jerry and Marilyn for putting up with a constant barrage
of really infantile crap at the hands of supposedly
adult dog lovers.

The other naive child (LSW) has to put up with the
nagging idea that if people like them had been posting
earlier, maybe we would not have had to hold the head
of a really magnificent animal in our arms while he was
given the needle and having to hug him and wait until he
gasped his last gasp.

To my mind, "naive" is believing you can terrorize a dog.

Naive is believing that people that hide behind fake
names are more honest than people that use their real
names. Naive is thinking that dilettante dog breeders
and amateur "trainers" like Joey (lyingdogDUMMY, j.h.)
are the equal or better than those that have studied and
lived by their craft for decades.

"Stupid" is believing that people do not see kindergarten
level insults for what they are. Really stupid is believing
that people like Jerry Howe and Marilyn Rammell are
going to just go away because you people act like fools.

Why do you act like fools? I really have no idea, and I
don't really care.
And, to date: I've not seen ONE come forward and actually
admit to buying and having success with his little black box.
I think I'm going to get one myself for Father's day and
take it down to the Animal Shelter for their use and
testing. You would never believe the results, so you'll
never know.
Anyone by now that doesn't see a scam man coming
by Jerry's posts deserves to get what is sure to be
coming to him! LOL!
I don't see a "scam man", so I guess I and Longsuffering
Wife and Rollei will just have to get what we deserve,
eh? As Joey (Dogman) says, "poor Rollei.".......right.
Yes it was, and that is sad.

Robert, Longsuffering Wife and Rollei (do I get to
listen to the box first?)


Crim wrote THAT about *YOU,* tommy,
"you insipid piece of cow dung!"


"BALANCED TRAINER." "Rewards trainers" rely on offering
and witholding attention affection and BRIBES.

"BALANCED trainers" rely on a combination of bribery and
intimidation pain fear force and avoidance when their bribery

I train ALL my students by using PRAISE IN ADVANCE,
installation of the come command as a conditional reflex A
La Pavlov and strict reliance on UNCONDITIONAL LOVE,

So called positive reinforcement is MEANINGLESS, other
than to say, "something is ADDED or TAKEN AWAY", like
a cookie or a shock or choke or ear pinch or freedom.

Negative reinforcement means NO RESPONSE, i.e., NOT
choking, NOT shocking, NOT giving a reward, NOT locking
a dog in a box, NOT praising AND MOST IMPORTANTLY,

Classical conditioning means letting the dog figure it out
all by hisself through repetition, trial and error, and SHEER
LUCK, and rewarding apupriate behavior, i.e., self learning;
The dog rewards itself, like the idea of leaving a dog who
messes the house in the backyard TILL IT FORGETS to
MESS IN THE HOUSE - he's classically conditioned
himself to relieve himself on the grass~! Or locking the
dog in a box till he forgets to relieve himself on the floor.


So, for starters, let's clear up some common, basic
scientific misconceptions of behavior and training.

Here's the SCIENCE:

"Despite Skinner's clear denunciation of "negative reinforcement"
(1958) NEARLY EVER LEARNING THEORY model involves
the USE OF PUNISHMENT. Of curse, Skinner has never to my
knowledge, demonstrated HOWE we escape the phenomenon
that an expected reward not received is experienced as a
punishment and can produce extensive and persistent aggression
(Azrin et al, 1966)."

IOW, emotions, not outside rewards, are what
reinforces any behavior," Ivan Pavlov:

"Motivation Of The Resistance To Coercion "-- PAVLOV

"Reflexes of purpose and freedom" in the comparative
physiology of higher nervous activity, Institute of
Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology, Academy
of Sciences, Moscow:

The most complex unconditioned "reflexes of aim and
freedom," discovered by I.P. Pavlov, are compared
with the "competence drive" and the "motivation of the
resistance to coercion," respectively, described by
contemporary ethologists.

On the basis of the unconditioned "reflex of purpose,"
conditioned reflexes were developed in which positive
emotions arising in connection with the perfection of
a skill, irrespective of its pragmatic significance at
a given moment, serve as the reinforcement.

The unconditioned "reflex of freedom" is regarded as a
phylogenetic precursor of the will, and its acute extinction
as the physiological mechanism of hypnosis. It was
demonstrated experimentally that the appearance of the
state of "animal hypnosis" (immobilization catatonia) in
rabbits is accompanied by the predominance of electrical
activity and heat production in the right hemisphere, i.e.,
by symptoms which are found in hypnosis in man.

Simonov PV</h4>
Publication Types:<ul><li>Review</li><li>Review,
tutorial</li></ul>PMID: 2215892, UI: 91015681</blockquote>
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0


"...all the highest nervous activity, as it manifests
itself in the conditional reflex, consists of a continual
change of these three fundamental processes -- excitation,
inhibition and disinhibition," Ivan P. Pavlov

Sam Corson, Pavlov's Last Student Demonstrated At UofOH,
That Rehabilitation Of Hyperactive Dogs Can Easily And
Readily Be Done Using TLC. Tender Loving Care Is At The
Root Of The Scientific Management Of Doggies.

"All animals learn best through play," Lorenz.

"The IMBECILITY of some of the claims for operant
technique simply take the breath away. Lovas et al
(1966) report a standard contingent reward/punishment
procedure developing imitative speech in two severly
disturbed non verbal schizophrenic boys. After twenty-
six days the boys are reported to have been learning
new words with alacrity. HOWEver, when REWARDS
were moved to a delayed contingency the behavior and
learning immediately deteriorated.

Programs utilizing the "contingencies of reinforcement
model" proposed by Skinner (1963) are no more well
established in research than the various dynamic

Research in four areas : 1) direct evaluation of
programmed systems for learning; 2) reinforcement;
3) cognitive dissonance; and 4) motivation, MOST
SURELY DEMOLISH the claims of operant programers."

"It is NO WONDER that the marked changes in
deviant behavior of children can be achieved
through brief, simple educative routines with
their mothers which modify the mother's social
behaviors shaping the child (Whaler, 1966).

Some clinics have reported ELIMINATION of the
need for child THERAPY through changing the
clinical emphasis from clinical to parental
HANDLING of the child (Szrynski 1965).

A large number of cases improved sufficiently after
preliminary contact with parents that NO treatment
of children was required, and almost ALL cases
SHOWE a remarkably shortened period for therapy.
Quite severe cases of anorexia nervosa have been
treated in own to five months by simply REPLACING
the parents temporarily with EFFUSIVELY LOVING
SUBSTITUTES (Groen, 1966)."

A. S. Neill, The Famous Founder of The Summerhill
School, Used To Cure Delinquent Children Way Back
In The 1950's By Paying Them For Every Time They
Wet The Bed Or Broke A Pane Of Glass And Their
Behaviour Would Stop, - As If By MAGICK!

The Embry Study:

"While some may find it strange that reprimands
might increase the chances of a child going into
the street, the literature on the experimental analysis
of behavior is replete with examples of how "attention
to inappropriate behavior" increases the chances of
more inappropriate behavior.

Thus, suggestions to parents that they talk to or reason
with their children about dashing into the street will
likely to have the opposite impact.

Reprimands do not punish unsafe behavior; they reward it."


"Reducing the Risk of Pedestrian Accidents to
Preschoolers by Parent Training and Symbolic
Modeling for Children: An Experimental Analysis
in the Natural Environment. Research Report
Number 2 of the Safe-Playing Project."

B.F. Skinner: Re-evaluation of Punishment

Punishment, unfortunately traditionally overused,
actually has been proven not effective at long-
term behavioral change, and creatures will find
other ways of getting what it wants. In "Freedom
and the control of men" American Scholar, Winter
1955-56, 25, 47-65. 1956 he states:

If we no longer resort to torture in what we call
the civilized world, we nevertheless still make
extensive use of punitive techniques in both
domestic and foreign relations. And apparently for
good reasons. Nature if not God has created man
in such a way that he can be controlled punitively.

People quickly become skillful punishers (if not,
thereby, skillful controllers), whereas alternative
positive measures are not easily learned.

The need for punishment seems to have the support
of history, and alternative practices threaten the
cherished values of freedom and dignity.

Fear involved with punishment causes frustration:
with typical results loathing, hostility and apathy.
Skinner's teaching on the superiority of posittive
reinforcement's benefits for keeping desired behavior
have proved very valuable.


In the followin SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH STUDY, you may
substitute pronged spiked pinch or slip choke collars for shock
witholding rewards, attention, and affection:

Psychological Effects

At issue is the question, --Do electronic training
devices elicit psychological responses?

"This section cites several research studies in which the
psychological impact of the use of electronic training devices
was analyzed. It is difficult, at best, for anyone to determine
the full psychological effect of these devices or training methods
until we can agree on exactly what constitutes a stress signal in
a domestic dog. Not only do none of the researchers agree on
what it is, but it varies from dog to dog.

It is even more difficult for humans to determine the full effect
of shock on a dog (or any animal) due to the animal's hard-wired
need to hide pain in order to survive in the wild.

Training dogs with the help of the shock collar: Short and long
term behavioral effects. (Schilder, M. & van der Borga, J. (2004).
Applied Animal Behavior Science, 85, 319-334).

The goal of this study was to determine the behavioral changes in
dogs during training using electronic training collars. Thirty-two
dogs were divided into two groups, each receiving both general
obedience and protection training.

One group was trained with shock collars and the other group
without shock collars. The dogs trained with the shock collars
displayed signs of stress: lowering of body posture, high-pitched
yelps, barks and squeals, avoidance, redirected aggression, and
tongue flicking.

It was also noted by the authors that, even during play and relaxed
walking, the group of dogs trained with shock collars continued to
show signs of stress while in the company of their handler.

The authors concluded that shock-collar training is stressful;
receiving shocks is a painful experience to dogs; and the shock
group of dogs evidently learned that the presence of their owner
(or his commands) announced the reception of shocks, even
outside of the normal training context.

They suggest that the welfare of these shocked dogs is at
stake, at least in the presence of their owners.

This study has come under considerable fire because the experience
of the handlers and dogs is not clear, and the level of shock is not
stated. With that said, it does suggest that dogs are stressed by the
experience of being shocked during training.


Instrumental / Classical / Operant / Conditioning
CC / OC / IC / -P +P / +R -R / S R / R S
<{); ~ ) >

From: "George von Hilsheimer, Ph.D." <***@mindspring.com>
Subject: The Amazing Jerry's take on psychobabble
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2005 12:13:44 -0400

You might improve the learning of folk who actually
live with and train dogs to do useful things if you
excluded everyone who uses psychobabble from your lists.

I recommend to all of you who wish to taste the flavor
of sensible animal behaviorists to read THE MISBEHAVIOR
OF ORGANISMS, Breland and Breland.

This married pair of psychologists began the long trail
of highly trained animals who are symbolized by Shamu
eating a mackrel from a girl's hand instead of eating
the much more tasty pretty girl who is exactly the size
of the natural food of killer whales, seals. Yum!

The essay, by the way, is a chapter in B.F. Skinner's
summing up book, CUMULATIVE RECORD. They include a
sentence which more or less says, "unless you understand
the personal history of the particular animal, and the
history of this animal's species and group, the developmental
history of the animal, you cannot effectively train the animal.

Pigs root and hen's scratch, if you try to train hens without
scratching or pigs without scratching or pigeons without pecking,
you aren't going to have much success.

A conditional reflex is one which is learned, the original
primitive reflex occurs no matter what the history of the
animal, and is hard wired. If you train the animal to respond,
say by ringing a bell immediately before turning on a bright
light, then you've taught the animal and made his native reflex
of pupil constriction conditional upon the ringing of a bell.

Thorndyke added some terminology to this kind of training
and insisted that when you train the animal to make gross
motor responses that this learning is "instrumental", the
animal takes action and uses an instrument.

The Russian word translated as "conditional" in all other
contexts was mistranslated by Pavlov's American translator,
Horsley Gannt, as "conditioned" and so American psychology
went haring after phantasmagora.

The major theorists for the development of the language of
operant conditioning are Edward Thorndike, John Watson, and
B. F. Skinner. Their approach to behaviorism played a major
role in the development of American psychology.

They proposed that learning is the result of the application
of consequences; that is, learners begin to connect certain
responses with certain stimuli. This connection causes the
probability of the response to change (i.e., learning occurs.)

Thorndike labeled this type of learning instrumental. Using
consequences, he taught kittens to manipulate a latch (e.g.,
an instrument). Skinner renamed instrumental as "operant"
because in this learning, one is "operating" on, and is
influenced by, the environment. Where classical conditioning
illustrates S-->R learning, operant conditioning is often
viewed as R-->S learning since it is the consequence that
follows the response that influences whether the response
is likely or unlikely to occur again.

It is through operant conditioning that
voluntary responses are learned.

One should note that Russian Psychology did very well
without the operant language, and only pettifogging
university professors ought to worry about what kind
of label we attach to the learning. Pfui!

Even Skinner understood this!

And please note if you saw the original movie, THE
MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE, you saw a Chinese psychologist
who was based on Andrew Salter, CONDITIONED REFLEX

Alas, Salter didn't have a Ph.D., but he basically rescued
us from the long Freudian nightmare and returned psychotherapy
to a scientific basis. Alas, the 2nd movie didn't even cite
Salter as a source. "...all the highest nervous activity, as
it manifests itself in the conditional reflex, consists of a
continual change of these three fundamental processes --
excitation, inhibition and disinhibition." Ivan P. Pavlov

What's important is, "does Shamu reliably eat
the fish and not the pretty girl?"

George von Hilsheimer, Ph.D., F.R.S.H.

Who's Who Honoree since 1983

George von Hilsheimer, Ph. D., F. R. S. H., Diplomate,
Academy of Behavioral Medicine you may find my resume
in Who's Who in Science and Technology I have been listed
in Who's Who in the S & SE USA since 1982, and in the big
books, Who's Who in the USA, WW in the World, WW in Medicine
etc, and WW in Science and Technology, since that date.

These are the Marquis Publications, the "real" WW, and
you can't get yourself into them.


In other words, Dear FellHOWE dog lovers:

As A Mass Murderer Is A Mass Murderer.

ALL Critters Only Respond In
To Situations And Circumstances Of Their Environment
Which We Create For Them.

You GET The Critter You TRAINED

In The Problem Animal Behavior BUSINESS
For The Problem Child Behavior BUSINESS.

Damn The Descartean War of "Nature Vs Nurture."
We Teach By HOWER Words And Actions

ALL dogs and ALL temperament and behavior problems can be
quickly and EZily trained / rehabilitated for ALL handlers
HOWE professional
dog trainers and university trained behaviorists recommend.

Housebreaking is INSTINCTIVE at four weeks of age. NO
critter will soil his own den UNLESS he's SICK or UNHAPPY
or not given access to a relief area:

Why Do You Reward The Dog For Being Bad?
Punish Dogs Children SP-HOWESESWith PRAISE,
Unconditional LOVE, TRUST, And RESPECT
<{) ; - ) >

Always praise the dog to show him that you affectionally
support or love him. Praising the dog has nothing to do
with what he has just done, it has to do with your
relationship with him.

"Good dog" means "I love you, dog".

If the dog is anxious, then you make certain that he
knows that he is in a safe and trusting environment.
You praise and admire him.

Correction is the opposite signal, you are my enemy,
and this results, quite naturally, in the dog behaving
aggresively - why not, you've declared that you are his

Why does paradoxical reward work?

The dog defecates on the floor. You come up and say
"Good Dog" you love and praise him.


The dog defecates on the floor because he is anxious.
No wild wolf, jackal, or coyote defecates in his den.
If he defecates in his den its because a bear is outside
trying to get in and eat him.

The dog knows that it is stupid to
defecate where he eats or sleeps.

Don't you?

If the dog feels safe he'll behave as if he
is safe, no pooping on the living room floor.

Almost all maladaptive behavior is due to fear, anxiety,
expectation of disaster. Correct the situation, and the
dog behaves fluently like a ..... Dog!

Punishment deranges behavior, it is never never never appropriate.

Love the dog.

Praise is never punishment, praise is like giving a
piece of steak. If you give a piece of steak to a dog
after he defecates on the floor he'll stop defecating
on the floor.

Fondly, Dr. Von


Aggression, destructive behavior, self-mutilation /
paw licking, fear of thunder, separation anxiety, car
sickness, leash pulling, ALL obsessive compulsive
disorders and 90% of ALL DIS-EASE are CAUSED
and witholding bribes a.k.a. clicker training, crating,
surgical sexual mutilation, and fear force and intimidation
devices like pronged collars / head halters, shock devices,
aversive sprays etc., therefore they CAN BE EXXXTINGUISHED NEARLY INSTANTLY
been TRAINED by the EXXXPERTS who PROFIT from
your hardship, like dra. patricia mcconnel, dr. ian dunbar,
dr. nicholas dodman, dra. karen overall, dra. catherine houpt,
karen pryor, jean donaldson, uncle matty, cesar millan, et. al.,
to name a few, and captain arthur haggerty *(R.I.P. captain
[he died while SUING me for defamation, slander, and of all
things, EMOTIONAL DISTRESS~!]) <{}:*~ ( >

Of curse there's PLENTY of folks who WON'T LIKE what I
teach, as it NULIFIES THEIR LIVES. HOWEver apupriate
handling and training IS a LIFE or DEATH critteria of

My feeling as a trainer is First Do No Harm. I try to
make sure I only teach and use methods that even in
the hands of a completely un-dog-savvy person could not
possibly harm a dog. THAT'S HOWE COME I'm The Sincerely
Incredibly Freakin Insanely Simply Amazing, Majestic
Grand Master, Puppy, Child, Pussy, Birdy, Goat, Ferret,
Monkey, SpHOWES, And Horsey Wizard <{}'; ~ ) >

Here's an SAR trainer of twenty years EXXXPERIENCE:

From: Mike (***@ns.sympatico.ca)
Subject: Re: Info. on the puppy wizard?
Date: 2004-07-18 14:27:02 PST
Oh, and did I mention his methods work, ya nuff said.
Ok Mike which part worked for you?
It helped clear problems from my dogs in the
field using the can penny distraction technique.

Works like a charm.

My dogs get distracted easy from their jobs ie,
retrieving or training to find lost people, oh did
I mention that I am a Search and Rescue Team

Sorry that slipped my mind.

I have read volumes of training books and don't
know where people get that Jerry copied others
work as I have NEVER come across his methods
before. I would like to see proof.

Just like Jerry outlined I eliminated problems one
at at time as they arose. I used to try and train to
the way I wanted them but this is backward, you
train out the problems leaving what you want left over.

Funny part is the second dog who had the same
problems as the other didn't need correcting for
some of his habits after I cleared it from the first

Seemed he learned through osmosis.

Nice side benefit there.

It nearly came to giving them up to a 3rd party
trainer as they were not performing well. The
VAST majority of working dog trainers are
agressive in their actions with the dogs.

I tried it and it didn't work and guess what I
was at my "Whits End" then someone I new
turned me onto Jerry and the rest is history.

I referred friends and families to Jerry's manual
and all have had great results. Starting puppies
out on the distraction technique is especially
good because they never develop the habit.

I had my sisters dog healing, sitting and down
stay reliably at 8-9 weeks. The first night home
following Jerrys advice we ditched the crate and
put the pup on the floor beside the bed and after
FOR 6 HRS! first night, that has never happened
in all my days.

Sorry, the man understands dogs its that simple.



Here's a professional dog trainer of thirty years experience:

From: ***@aol.com
To: ***@bellsouth.net
Sent: Monday, June 03, 2002 2:22 PM
Subject: Update

Hi Jerry,

Just an update to let you know how things are going.
Hunter is doing really great thanks to you and your
training manual.

I cancelled the appointment with the new vet to get
him re-evaluated for aggression. all weekend long I
had kids run by the fence to try and make him bark.

He didn't!

Tonight we are going to PetsMart to work on his
dog aggression but even that is going good for him.
I have less and less of a problem with him in my
vehicle. He doesn't try so hard to protect
it from the four wheeled monsters that go by.

I think soon I'll be able to leave his window open when
we go down the road and he won't try to jump out at
the cars that go by.

I have shared the manual with several dog owners
that I know and even a group of dog trainers.

Thank you again.


From: "Jerry Howe" <***@bellsouth.net>
To: <***@aol.com>
Sent: Monday, June 03, 2002 4:59 PM
Subject: Re: Update

Have your vet call me if he's interested in behavior.
XXX/OOO. Jerry.


From: ***@aol.com
To: ***@bellsouth.net
Sent: Saturday, July 27, 2002 10:26 PM

Subject: Re: THANKS ALISON! - "Owners Should Always
Be Given The Cold, Hard Facts: They Should NEVER FEEL
GUILTY For Having An Aggressive Dog Euthanized."

Dear Jerry,

It's Kay here. I don't know who these people are that
maligning you and your training manual but tell them
from me that it does work.

Hunter is just doing so well even the people who advocated
putting him down are impressed with him.

I even started using it with the neighbor's dog. I went over
there to help her cut his nails. She started yelling at him
for growling at me. I told her to tell him what a good boy he
is instead. Lo and behold he stopped growling and I could
do his nails.

All 4 feet.

My dog Hunter was trained with the old jerk and pull method
and my other dog was trained with treats. Hunter has gotten
his enthusiasm back for his training and I couldn't be more

He even tried to kiss a child the other day.

Major break through.

This is the dog that a few months ago tried to eat the kids
through the fence. I can now take him in the car with me
again without him trying to chase cars through the windshield.

So Jerry tell these people that the first rule of dog training
is Do No Harm.

The 2nd rule is whatever works without breaking the first

Aggressive dogs don't need to be put down. Hunter was
diagnosed aggressive and he is going to stay alive and by my
side where he

Thank you so much.


From: ***@bellsouth.net (The Puppy Wizard)
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2003 06:07:52 -0000

Subject: "Your Method Takes Positive Training To The Next Level
And Should Really Be Used By All Tainers Who Call Themselves
Trainers," Kay Pierce.

From: <***@aol.com>
To: <***@bellsouth.net>
Sent: Sunday, May 12, 2002 5:57 PM
Subject: Re: Wits end Training


I started Hunter on his training using your manual
and training method. What a marked difference in
just a few hours.

I had him in my van and just using the sound with
his remote trainer and telling him he's a good dog
when he started looking like he was going to bark
at a car worked great.

He only barked 2 or 3 times. Then I took him to a
spot that we had used years ago to train, Jerry I
have hope that I can have my happy dog back soon.

And not this tense unhappy creature I live with now.

He was so happy today. I am looking forward to
getting the machine so that he can stay that way.

Thank you,

Kay Pierce

- -------------------

From: <***@aol.com>
To: <***@bellsouth.net>
Sent: Monday, May 13, 2002 7:54 PM
Subject: Making Progress

Hello Jerry,

Hunter and I started working the recall and family
pack exercise today. On leash and in the house
he has a perfect recall.

And I think he really started to relax and enjoy
himself I swear he was laughing.

I had taught him to go to the heel position when he
comes to me years ago. And over the past few months
I have had to tell him to go there. Today he flew into
the heel position each and every time without me saying
a word to him about it.

He has never bounced like that before.

I trained him using conventional methods with a choker and
pinch collar. Over the past few days we have been using his
regular collar. I can tell that he enjoys it more.

As I mentioned before I am a dog trainer and when I trained
my latest dog I used all positive reinforcements techniques.
When I trained for that I had been amazed at the results.

Your method takes positive training to the next level and
should really be used by all trainers who call themselves

My Hunter is concentrating on me and not on the treat he
thinks he wants. My other dog wants treats before she'll
do anything.

As soon as I get Hunter straightened out she's next.
Thank you so much,

Kay Pierce


From: <***@aol.com>
To: <***@bellsouth.net>

Cc: <***@aol.com>; <***@yahoo.com>;

Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2002 6:50 PM
Subject: Head Hunter

Dear Jerry,

Just thought I would write to let you know how
well Hunter is doing. He had been trained using
the conventional methods for obedience. He had
gotten used to a choker and a pinch collar.

Alot of pain and a lot of jerking around. I had also
tried using positive reinforcement methods that I
had been trained in. He was so busy looking for
the treat that he didn't really want to work.

So I went back to using the pinch collar on him
and also a gentle leader when we were in public.

Slowly by degrees his behavior got worse and
he did deserve his reputation as a vicious dog.
The vet had recommended that he be put down.
I was in a panic when I found your web site.

Thanks! He is now the happy dog that I first
started out with 5 years ago. I am a professional
trainer and it was distressing to me that I could not
help my own dog. I had been told that some dogs
don't respond to any kind of training and that a
vicious dog can never be trusted again.

I disagree!

Hunter is a sight hound and now I can take him
with me and he doesn't chase cars as much
anymore which is one of his main problems.

We are working on the dog aggression thing.
And I am confident that will be successful too.
I also have your BIOSOUND machine and that
too is working good. I know of several rescue
groups that would benefit from it.

This is rather long I know but it comes from the
heart. My Head Hunter Green and I have together
along time and have been through so much together.

Thank you for helping me save his life.

Kay Pierce


From: <***@aol.com>
To: <***@aol.com>
Sent: Thursday, October 03, 2002 2:49 PM
Subject: Jerry the jerk howe

Kay if you only knew what a jerk howe is it's either
his way or your wrong no matter what training method
you use. In a post re: adopting a shelter dog he
stated "fu*k Buster" if you want I can refer you to the

He's nothing but a blowhard and if he was closer I
would pay him a visit. He used your post from July
in his rebuttal

Bob Garrett

From: ***@aol.com
To: ***@aol.com
Sent: Thursday, October 03, 2002 5:29 PM
Subject: Re: Jerry the jerk howe

I have to strongly disagree that Jerry is a jerk. I am a
dog trainer and I have been for almost 30 years. I
believe strongly in positive reinforcement. My youngest
was trained using treats and praise.

My oldest how ever was not trained that way I am ashamed
to say. The result a very dangerous dog. He has problems
with barrier and dominance aggression. A year ago he put
a hole in my leg that took weeks to heal.

When the vet and all of my friends advocated putting him
down I found Jerry's website. I was looking for a natural
way to calm my dog and train him all over again as well.

You say Jerry is a jerk well I have talked to him on the
phone and consulted him about his training methods.
I really grilled him before I even considered using his

He loves dogs. Using his methods my Head Hunter is
now a very sweet dog. I get kisses instead of growls.
When he growls or even looks like he is going to bark
I tell him what a good dog he is and right away he shuts
up, looks at me like I'm nuts. But doesn't try to eat anyone.

I am happy to say that the vet thinks I have him on major
drugs. I don't! I still use a muzzle on him when I have to
take him to iffy places. But hey, I know he is now a sugar.
And the most important thing he is happy again.

It's a free country and you are entitled to your opinion. I
have mine.



Here's a professional trainer of 33 years experience.

"Just Want To Second Jerry's Method For
Dealing With This (Destructive Separation
Anxiety). I've Suggested It To Quite A Few
Clients Now And It's Worked 'EVERY TIME
The Very First Time' - Marilyn.

Subject: To Jerry
1 From: MarilynRammell
Date: Tues, Aug 3 1999 3:00 am
Email: "MarilynRammell" <***@hotmail.com>

Hello Jerry,

A client of mine asked to say a 'big thank you' to you.
They have a 8 month spaniel that they were about to get
rid of.

In fact they had put her into kennels for a few day while
they 'thought it through'. They rang me the day before
they were due to collect her.

She had wrecked their home - everytime they left her she
destroyed something else. The walls, the cabinets, the
carpets, table legs, chair legs, - anything and everything.

They collected her and brought her to me. I gave them some
routine training exercises, and also I wrote out your advice
(I will say at this point that I was not sure about it at all,
and felt a little embarrassed - it was the advice about the
'toy dog that gets the praise for not making a mess'.

Anyway, this was 11 days ago and I heard nothing. Yesterday
they turned up at the new Monday evening class. They were
absolutely delighted.

They told me that after just one attempt, (your toy suggestion)
she 'stopped all the destruction'. They were in tear of happiness
while telling me.

Thank you Jerry.


From: Marilyn Rammell (***@hotmail.com)
Subject: Re: Separation anxiety (?) help needed!
Date: 1999/10/13

Hi Steve,

Just want to second Jerry's method for dealing with this -
I've suggested it to quite a few clients now and it's worked
'every' time.

It sounds a little 'amusing' I agree, but it really works.

Two of the occasions it's worked have been when the
owners were almost at the point of giving up (one had
actually put their dog into kennels for a few days so
that they could re-decorate the demolition done by the dog).

They rang me while the dog was still in kennels and were
not yet decided whether to collect the dog or not.

The very first time they tried Jerry's method, it worked.

Best of luck,
Marilyn Rammell


To: "Jerry Howe" <***@mail.com>

Subject: Proposed article for Wikipedia
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2006 15:48:33 -0500

The Amazing Puppy Wizard is the cognomen of a dog behaviorist,
Jerry Howe, of Orlando, Fl. Howe's primary teaching is that
dogs deserve unconditional love, respect, and attention and
that by providing these emotional needs dogs will regulate
their own behavior.

Howe is bombastically antagonistic to rewarders, but he is
aggressively hostile to punishers - he refers antagonists
to B.F. Skinner, Mary Cover Jones, and J.B. Watson and
especially to Samuel A. Corson when they mistakenly annunciate
behavioral principles to support their use of punishment.

Punishment always deranges behavior, says Skinner,
Jones, Watson, Corson and Jerry Howe!

Howe developed a sonic device which calms dogs and has
been broadly tested in a wide range of different situations.
The present author is a Who's Who recognized psychologist
who was asked to evaluate Howe's device by a former student.

Howe provided the author with a device, without
charge, and said device worked as reported.

George von Hilsheimer, Ph.D., F.R.S.H.
Then cross reference to Jerry Howe, etc.


Jerry, the difficulty with these ignorant dog molesters
is that they cannot read. Negative reinforcement is no
response by the trainer.

There is positive reinforcement, an action which is followed
by an increase in the targetted behavior (usually called
"reward" which is precisely and technically a misnomer),
negative reinforcement is the absence of any response.

Negative means 'No'.

Skinner's last book, "CUMULATIVE RECORD" reviews this
thoroughly. http://www.mcli.dist.maricopa.edu/proj/nru/nr.html

Negative reinforcement is stopping an aversive reinforcement
according to this author. Read it, they have a sense of humor!

There are four forms of systematic reinforcement:

do nothing (negative reinforcement)

reward the behavior (positive reinforcement)

punish the behavior (aversive reinforcement) after habituating
the subject to punishment,

stop punishing (relief of aversion, which is negative reinforcement).

Logically, failing to reward after habituating a reward
is also negative reinforcement. Actually intermittent
rewards work better than consistent, invariable rewards,
so there is actually another two categories. Invariable
reinforcement and random reinforcement (on varying schedules).


Actions which cause the animal being trained to avoid,
avert, cringe away from. Pavlovians always responded
to American psychologist's inability to reproduce Pavlov's
results with dogs with the comment, "American's don't LOVE
their dogs". If you ever observed a Russian psychologist
working with a dog, you'd instantly see the difference.

American psychologists were wooden, robot-like,
wanted to be "scientific".

This meant to them that they should display no
affection, or any other emotion with the subjects.

When a Pavlovian dog started to misbehave or fail to respond,
doggie was taken out of the equipment, and taken home for a
loving vacation, with much TLC. Sam Corson, Pavlov's last
student, demonstrated the same relationships at Ohio State.

Interestingly the first page of results for Sam Corson,
dog behaviorist is loaded with Jerry Howe quoting Dr. Von.
heh heh heh

Dr. Von

Oh, by the way, you once had a pompous fellow say that
Dr. Von was a figment of your imagination. I don't
normally mention this, but I have been listed in Who's
Who in the S & SE USA since 1982, and in the big books,
Who's Who in the USA, WW in the World, WW in Medicine
etc, and WW in Science and Technology, since that date.

These are the Marquis Publications, the "real" WW, and
you can't get yourself into them.



ALL Temperament And Behavior Problems Are

"The day may come when the rest of the animal creation
may acquire those rights
which never could have been withholden from them
but by the hand of tyranny.
The question is not can they REASON,
nor can they TALK,
but can they SUFFER?" -
- Jeremy Bentham

"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised
for the good of its victims,
may be the most oppressive.
Those who torment us for our own good
will torment us without end,
for they do so with the approval of
their own conscience." -
- C.S. Lewis.

"Death is better, a milder fate than tyranny",
Aeschylus (525BC-456BC),

"If you talk with the animals, they will talk with you
and you will know each other.
If you do not talk to them, you will not know them,
and what you do not know you will fear.

What one fears, one destroys."
Chief Dan George

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
-Arthur Schopenhauer

"Thank you for fighting the fine fight--
even tho it's a hopeless task,
in this system of things.
As long as man is ruling man,
there will be animals (and humans!)
abused and neglected. :-(
Your student," Juanita.

"If you've got them by the balls
their hearts and minds
will follow,"
John Wayne.


"Ye shall know the truth,
and the truth shall make you mad." -
~Aldous Huxley.

"Mit der Dummheit kaempfen Goetter selbst vergebens!"
"Against stupidity the Gods themselves contend in vain!"
-Friedrich Schiller.



In Love And Light,
I Remain Respectfully, Humbly Yours,
Jerry Howe,
The Sincerely Incredibly Freakin Insanely Simply
Puppy, Child, Pussy, Birdy, Goat,
Ferret, Monkey, SpHOWES,
Horsey And Alcoholic / Psychotropic
Anti-Psychotic Medications ABUSE Wizard <{};~ ) >


Jerry Howe,
Director of Research,
Human And Animal Behavior
Forensic Sciences Research Laboratory,
BIOSOUND Scientific,
Director of Training,
Wits' End Dog Training
1611 24th St
Orlando, FL 32805
Phone: 1-407-425-5092 (Call ANY TIME)





TheSimplyAmazingPuppyWizard @HotMail.Com