Outta Here
(too old to reply)
2009-02-11 09:22:01 UTC
Out ta here :-)
It's been nice, but on to bigger and better things.
Usenet is no longer an option for myself nor 'Alpha.Shanna'.
Since this group is dead and over run with spammers I can't justify
spending $$ for paid access and our ISP will no longer carry usenet..

See ya all on http://pitbulltalk.com
Bob & Trouble

Email: Remove the ©
2009-02-11 21:13:56 UTC
Sorry to see you go. I will hopefully catch you at pitbulltalk.
Post by alpha.bob©
Out ta here :-)
It's been nice, but on to bigger and better things.
Usenet is no longer an option for myself nor 'Alpha.Shanna'.
Since this group is dead and over run with spammers I can't justify
spending $$ for paid access and our ISP will no longer carry usenet..
See ya all on http://pitbulltalk.com
Bob & Trouble
Email: Remove the ©
2009-03-08 06:56:09 UTC
HOWEDY alpha.BOOB, you pathetic miserable
stinkin rotten lyin animal murderin punk thug coward
active acute chronic life-long incurable malignant
Post by alpha.bob©
Out ta here :-)
Post by alpha.bob©
It's been nice,
THAT SO, booby??
Post by alpha.bob©
but on to bigger and better things.
You mean, you got your own "PUPPY WIZARD
FREE newsgroup" an you're satisfied with that,
eh, boob?
Post by alpha.bob©
Usenet is no longer an option for myself
nor 'Alpha.Shanna'.
You mean "CHILLER" <{}'; ~ ) >

Nor the rest of you fighting dog lovers
who MURDER your favorite dogs on
their 1st grHOWEL at you cowards.
Post by alpha.bob©
Since this group is dead
Yeah. "Seem" all the dog news groups are
"PUPPY WIZARD FREE forum" for which
you BEG money for support from your
fellHOWE dog lovers who DON'T WANT
to LEARN HOWE to pupperly handle
raise an train their BIG HEARTED GAME
Post by alpha.bob©
and over run with spammers

There AIN'T NO SPAMMERS postin to The
Sincerely Incredibly Freakin Insanely Simply
Amazing, Majestic Grand Master Puppy, Child,
Pussy, Birdy, Goat, Ferret, Monkey, SpHOWES,
And Horsey Wizard's 100% CONSISTENTLY
WWW Wits' End Training Method Manual
Forums And Human And Animal Behavior
Forensic Sciences Research Laboratory <{}: ~ ) >
Post by alpha.bob©
I can't justify spending $$ for paid access
and our ISP will no longer carry usenet..
THING as your "Puppy Wizard FREE forum" nodoGdameneDMOORE?
Post by alpha.bob©
See ya all on http://pitbulltalk.com
Post by alpha.bob©
Bob & Trouble
Email: Remove the ©
From: "George von Hilsheimer, Ph.D." <***@mindspring.com>
To: "Jerry Howe" <***@mail.com>

Subject: Alleged Professors of Animal Behavior

Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2005

Dear Jerry, I paged through some of the "dog
business" and was astonished at the low quality
of opinions arising from professors of behavior

I had the very great privilege of meeting Sam Corson
(Pavlov's last Ph.D. student) and his dogs at Ohio
University. I even got to spend a night at Sam's house.

There is no question but that you are a spiritual
brother to Corson and to Pavlov, both of whom
knew that the dog's great capacity for love was
the key to shaping doggie behavior.

Paradoxical reward and paradoxical fixing of
attention are both well documented Pavlovian
techniques. Even so humorless a chap as B.F.
Skinner taught students like the Breland's whose
"The Misbehavior of Organisms" demonstrate
the utility of your methods and their deep roots
in scientific (as opposed to commercial) psychology.

George von Hilsheimer, Ph.D., F.R.S.H.
you may find my resume in Who's Who in
Science and Technology


Abuse / Fear / Aggression / Hyperactivity / Shyness /
Depression / Suicide Attempts AIN'T Genetic Problems,
Passed On From WON GeneratiHOWEN Of Abuser
To The Next,
Like The 100th Monkey Washin Fruit In The Stream.

After A While It's Not Just NORMAL, It's

To Do OtherWIZE Would Be
Of Your Parental Teachins.

The Puppy Wizard's SYNDROME Is the Perfect
Synergy Of Love, Pride, Desire, Shame, Greed,
Ego, Fear, Hate, Reflex, Self Will, Arrogance,
Ignorance, Predjudice, Cowardice, Disbelief,
Jealousy, Embarrassment, Embellishment, Guilt,
Anger, Hopelessness, Helplesness, Aversion,
Attraction, Inhibition, Revulsion, Repulsion,
Change, Permanence, Enlightenment, Insult,
Attrition And Parental / ReligiHOWES / Societal



It Is The Perfect Fusion Of The Word..., In The Physical.


"Only the unenlightened speak of wisdom
and right action
as separate, not the wise.

If any man knows one, he enjoys the fruit of both.

The level which is reached by wisdom
is attained
through right action as well.

He who perceives that the two are one knows the truth."

"Even the wise man acts in character with his nature,
indeed all creatures act according to their natures.

What is the use of compulsion then?

The love and hate which are aroused
by the objects of sense arise from Nature,
do not yield to them.
They only obstruct the path," -
- Bhagavad Gita,
adapted by Krishna with permission
from His OWN FREE copy of The Simply
Amazing Puppy Wizard's FREE Wits' End
Dog Training Method manual <{) ; ~ ) >

ALL Temperament And Behavior Problems Are


Welcome to The Sincerely Incredibly Freakin Insanely
Simply Amazing, Majestic Grand Master Puppy, Child,
Pussy, Birdy, Goat, Ferret, Monkey, SpHOWES, And
Horsey Wizard's 100% CONSISTENTLY NEARLY
Training Method Manual Forums And Human And
Animal Behavior Forensic Sciences Research Laboratory.

I'm Jerry Howe, The Sincerely Incredibly Freakin
Insanely Simply Amazing, Majestic Grand Master
Puppy, Child, Pussy, Birdy, Goat, Ferret, Monkey,
SpHOWES, And Horsey Wizard, Director Of
Trainin an Research <{}'; ~ ) >

I've got forty five years of EXXXPERIENCE raising
and training mostly giant breed working dogs for families
and security specializing in temperament and behavior
problems and protection <{}: ~ ) >

Here's your own FREE COPY of The Sincerely
Incredibly Freakin Insanely Simply Amazing,
Majestic Grand Master Puppy, Child, Pussy,
Birdy, Goat, Ferret, Monkey, SpHOWES,
And Horsey Wizard's 100% CONSISTENTLY
WWW Wits' End Training Method Manual:

The actual INSTRUCTION begins on the third page "*777*
Wits' End Method", abHOWET 1/4 down the page starting
with "Here's ALL the INFORMATION you NEED" and my
phone # and instructions to CALL ANY TIME.

There you will find ALL the FREE information you need
to pupperly handle raise and train your pets and family.
Just follow the instructions PRECISELY and ASK me if
you need any additional FREE HEELP <{}: ~ ) >

You'll likeWIZE find ETHICAL nutrition and heelth
care practices taught on the heelth page *(last link
on the left side) of my website <{}'; ~ ) >

From "Paul Bousie"<***@clear.net.nz>
To: "'Don Fitz'" <***@hotmail.com>;
Cc:<***@DCFWatch.com> Cc: ***@bellsouth.net

Sent: Saturday, March 01, 2003 5:45 AM Subject:
RE: Jerry Howe

If you have read the newsgroup posts then you must
already have a good idea about what I think.

His methods are the best I have come across.

They aren't a quick fix but an entire training concept
so if you aren't in for the long haul then don't bother.

If you go his way then you have to forget all the other gibberish that
other people spew, you have to believe
in what you are doing, then and only then will you get
the results.

You can't combine his methods with other training
methods, not until you understand what you are
trying to achieve, and even then I have only ever
combined about 2 other trainers ideas and even
then just a snip of what they suggest which works
in parallel with the Wits End concept.

His methods make you as the trainer completely responsible for your
actions, his methods make
you think and work out your own solutions for any
given situation, the default (the recall) is always
there to get things under control again.

His ideas and concepts teach you to work with
the dog, to develop a team and a willingness to
work together which is surely the best way to be.

His methods don't use force or intimidation but
they do totally emphasize the absolute importance
of pack (family pack) structure, without that you
can achieve almost nothing.

If you are wondering how a dog can be trained
without any negativity the answer lies in the recall,
anytime your dog doesn't follow through with a
request you call him / her to you, since the recall
is the first thing taught and it is taught in such a
way it becomes a reflex the dog always returns to
you, it is a subordinate position for the dog and
we release it by asking for a "heel" which is an
"equal" position.

His methods are very good, his understanding
of dogs is excellent, I recommend his methods.

Paul Bousie


From: Paul B (***@zfree.co.nz)
Subject: Re: Can packleader influence rank?
Date: 2002-02-25 00:51:48 PST

I use sound to distract the dog and praise it
immediately. The reason for the immediate
praise is that as soon as the dog is distracted
it's no longer thinking of the inappropriate
behaviour so the praise reinforces the "not
doing" the unwanted behaviour.

I use various sound sources, a soda can
with stones in it, car keys, Click my fingers,
etc. Varying the direction of the sound each
time is important too, otherwise the dog may
begin to anticipate the sound and it will lose
it's effect, if the noise direction is random the
dog won't get too familiar with it and it will
remain an effective distraction.

Remember too that we aren't trying to scare the
bejesus outta the dog, simply breaking it's train
of thought while it's thinking of the unwanted

Sometimes you won't even see a reaction but the dog
will have been distracted fleetingly. (Recently one
of my dogs started habitually licking my feet while
I was watching TV, I clicked my fingers on her left
side and told her "good girl" even though she only
paused her licking briefly, next I clicked over her
right side and praised, by about the 4th repeat she
suddenly stopped, I repeated this over a few nights
and now she doesn't lick any more, on the few occasions
she absent mindedly licks now all I do is click and
praise and she immediately stops).

Timing is important too, learn to anticipate when
the dog isthinking about doing the "dirty deed"
and distract and praise then, with any luck the
dog will try again almost immediately so distract
and praise again, if the timing is correct after
about the 4th rep the dog will stop.

I could go on but this post is long enough already,
remember too that the dog isn't being a "bad dog",
it's behaviour is simply inappropriate for the

Happy training, :-)



From: "Marshall Dermer" <***@csd.uwm.edu>
To: "The Puppy Wizard"
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2004 2:53 PM

Subject: God Bless The Puppy Wizard
Dear Mr. Puppy Wizard,

I have, of late, come to recognize your genius
and now must applaud your attempts to save
animals from painful training procedures.

You are indeed a hero, a man of exceptional talent­,
who tirelessly devotes his days to crafting posts ­to
alert the world to animal abuse.

We are lucky to have you, and more people should
come to their senses and support your valuable

Have you thought of establishing a nonprofit
charity to fund your important work?

Have you thought about holding a press conference
so others can learn of your highly worthwhile
and significant work?

In closing, my only suggestion is that you
try to keep your messages short for most
readers may refuse to read a long message
even if it is from the wise, heroic Puppy Wizard.
I wish you well in your endeavors.

--Marshall Dermer


"The day may come when the rest of
the animal creation
may acquire those right
which never could have been withholden from them
but by the hand of tyranny.

The question is not can they REASON,
nor can they TALK,
but can they SUFFER?" -
- Jeremy Bentham

"A Cheerful Heart Is Good Medicine, But
A Crushed Spirit Dries Up The Bones,"
Proverbs 17:22

Disciple Paulie Sez:

"No One Understands How Wits End Training
Really Works; They Assume It's All Nicey Nicey
And don't Realise It's A Very Disciplined Method
That Deals With Any Situation And The Foundation
Is Built On Trust And Understanding.

I've never forced my dogs to do anything,
I tell them they are good dogs and they
seem to follow me, onceI told them they
were bad dogs and they ran away from me,
now I only ever tell them they are good dogs
and they always are, always.

Trust your dog, ask it to do your request and say
"good dog" sincerely at the end of the request and
I bet you'll find your dog thinking then responding

A Bit Of Respect Works Wonders,
The Same Rule Applies
To Every Aspect Of
The Relationship With Your Dog.

Obedience And Affection Are Not Related,
if They Were Everyone Would Have
Obedient Dogs.

I Have Found Giving Dogs "Payment" In Advance
i.e. "Sam sit goodboy" Makes The Dogs WANT TO RESPOND, After All, All Dogs
Want To Be "Good
Dogs" And If You Tell Them They Are Good Then
They Feel An Obligation To Obey Your Request.

Telling Sam He's A Good Dog AFTER He Sit's
Apart From Being Too Late Is Also A Gamble
Because If He Doesn't Sit Then There's No
Positive Interaction.




"Ye shall know the truth,
and the truth shall make you mad." -
~Aldous Huxley.

All Truth Passes Through Three Stages.
First, It Is Ridiculed.
Second, It Is Violently Opposed.
Third, It Is Accepted As Being Self-Evident
-Arthur Schopenhauer-

"Thank you for fighting the fine fight--
even tho it's a hopeless task,
in this system of things.
As long as man is ruling man,
there will be animals (and humans!)
abused and neglected. :-(
Your student," Juanita.

"If you've got them by the balls their
hearts and minds will follow,"
John Wayne.

"Mit der Dummheit kaempfen Goetter selbst vergebens!"
"Against stupidity the Gods themselves contend in vain!"
-Friedrich Schiller.



In Love And Light,
I Remain Respectfully, Humbly Yours
Jerry Howe,
The Sincerely Incredibly Freakin Insanely
Puppy, Child, Pussy, Birdy, Ferret, Goat,
Monkey SpHOWES And Horsey Wizard <{) ;~ ) >


Jerry Howe,
Director of Research,
Human And Animal Behavior
Forensic Sciences Research Laboratory,
BIOSOUND Scientific,
Director of Training,
Wits' End Dog Training
1611 24th St
Orlando, FL 32805
Phone: 1-407-425-5092 (Call ANY TIME)




TheSimplyAmazingPuppyWizard @HotMail.Com

MSN, AT&T Or AIM Messenger @:
TheSimplyAmazingPuppyWizard @HotMail.Com
ThePuppyWizard @BellSouth.Net
2009-03-08 13:26:41 UTC
Oh, hey, alpha.booby?



Post by Human_And_Animal_Behavior_Forensic_Sciences_Research_Laboratory
HOWEDY alpha.BOOB, you pathetic miserable
stinkin rotten lyin animal murderin punk thug coward
active acute chronic life-long incurable malignant
Post by alpha.bob©
Out ta here :-)
Post by alpha.bob©
It's been nice,
THAT SO, booby??
Post by alpha.bob©
but on to bigger and better things.
You mean, you got your own "PUPPY WIZARD
FREE newsgroup" an you're satisfied with that,
eh, boob?
Post by alpha.bob©
Usenet is no longer an option for myself
nor 'Alpha.Shanna'.
You mean "CHILLER" <{}'; ~ ) >
Nor the rest of you fighting dog lovers
who MURDER your favorite dogs on
their 1st grHOWEL at you cowards.
Post by alpha.bob©
Since this group is dead
Yeah. "Seem" all the dog news groups are
"PUPPY WIZARD FREE forum" for which
you BEG money for support from your
fellHOWE dog lovers who DON'T WANT
to LEARN HOWE to pupperly handle
raise an train their BIG HEARTED GAME
Post by alpha.bob©
and over run with spammers
There AIN'T NO SPAMMERS postin to The
Sincerely Incredibly Freakin Insanely Simply
Amazing, Majestic Grand Master Puppy, Child,
Pussy, Birdy, Goat, Ferret, Monkey, SpHOWES,
And Horsey Wizard's 100% CONSISTENTLY
WWW Wits' End Training Method Manual
Forums And Human And Animal Behavior
Forensic Sciences Research Laboratory <{}: ~ ) >
Post by alpha.bob©
I can't justify spending $$ for paid access
and our ISP will no longer carry usenet..
THING as your "Puppy Wizard FREE forum" nodoGdameneDMOORE?
Post by alpha.bob©
See ya all on http://pitbulltalk.com
Post by alpha.bob©
Bob & Trouble
Email: Remove the ©
Subject: Alleged Professors of Animal Behavior
Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2005
Dear Jerry, I paged through some of the "dog
business" and was astonished at the low quality
of opinions arising from professors of behavior
I had the very great privilege of meeting Sam Corson
(Pavlov's last Ph.D. student) and his dogs at Ohio
University. I even got to spend a night at Sam's house.
There is no question but that you are a spiritual
brother to Corson and to Pavlov, both of whom
knew that the dog's great capacity for love was
the key to shaping doggie behavior.
Paradoxical reward and paradoxical fixing of
attention are both well documented Pavlovian
techniques. Even so humorless a chap as B.F.
Skinner taught students like the Breland's whose
"The Misbehavior of Organisms" demonstrate
the utility of your methods and their deep roots
in scientific (as opposed to commercial) psychology.
George von Hilsheimer, Ph.D., F.R.S.H.
you may find my resume in Who's Who in
Science and Technology
Abuse / Fear / Aggression / Hyperactivity / Shyness /
Depression / Suicide Attempts AIN'T Genetic Problems,
Passed On From WON GeneratiHOWEN Of Abuser
To The Next,
Like The 100th Monkey Washin Fruit In The Stream.
After A While It's Not Just NORMAL, It's
To Do OtherWIZE Would Be
Of Your Parental Teachins.
The Puppy Wizard's SYNDROME Is the Perfect
Synergy Of Love, Pride, Desire, Shame, Greed,
Ego, Fear, Hate, Reflex, Self Will, Arrogance,
Ignorance, Predjudice, Cowardice, Disbelief,
Jealousy, Embarrassment, Embellishment, Guilt,
Anger, Hopelessness, Helplesness, Aversion,
Attraction, Inhibition, Revulsion, Repulsion,
Change, Permanence, Enlightenment, Insult,
Attrition And Parental / ReligiHOWES / Societal
It Is The Perfect Fusion Of The Word..., In The Physical.
"Only the unenlightened speak of wisdom
and right action
as separate, not the wise.
If any man knows one, he enjoys the fruit of both.
The level which is reached by wisdom
is attained
through right action as well.
He who perceives that the two are one knows the truth."
"Even the wise man acts in character with his nature,
indeed all creatures act according to their natures.
What is the use of compulsion then?
The love and hate which are aroused
by the objects of sense arise from Nature,
do not yield to them.
They only obstruct the path," -
- Bhagavad Gita,
adapted by Krishna with permission
from His OWN FREE copy of The Simply
Amazing Puppy Wizard's FREE Wits' End
Dog Training Method manual <{) ; ~ ) >
ALL Temperament And Behavior Problems Are
Welcome to The Sincerely Incredibly Freakin Insanely
Simply Amazing, Majestic Grand Master Puppy, Child,
Pussy, Birdy, Goat, Ferret, Monkey, SpHOWES, And
Horsey Wizard's 100% CONSISTENTLY NEARLY
Training Method Manual Forums And Human And
Animal Behavior Forensic Sciences Research Laboratory.
I'm Jerry Howe, The Sincerely Incredibly Freakin
Insanely Simply Amazing, Majestic Grand Master
Puppy, Child, Pussy, Birdy, Goat, Ferret, Monkey,
SpHOWES, And Horsey Wizard, Director Of
Trainin an Research <{}'; ~ ) >
I've got forty five years of EXXXPERIENCE raising
and training mostly giant breed working dogs for families
and security specializing in temperament and behavior
problems and protection <{}: ~ ) >
Here's your own FREE COPY of The Sincerely
Incredibly Freakin Insanely Simply Amazing,
Majestic Grand Master Puppy, Child, Pussy,
Birdy, Goat, Ferret, Monkey, SpHOWES,
And Horsey Wizard's 100% CONSISTENTLY
The actual INSTRUCTION begins on the third page "*777*
Wits' End Method", abHOWET 1/4 down the page starting
with "Here's ALL the INFORMATION you NEED" and my
phone # and instructions to CALL ANY TIME.
There you will find ALL the FREE information you need
to pupperly handle raise and train your pets and family.
Just follow the instructions PRECISELY and ASK me if
you need any additional FREE HEELP <{}: ~ ) >
You'll likeWIZE find ETHICAL nutrition and heelth
care practices taught on the heelth page *(last link
on the left side) of my website <{}'; ~ ) >
RE: Jerry Howe
If you have read the newsgroup posts then you must
already have a good idea about what I think.
His methods are the best I have come across.
They aren't a quick fix but an entire training concept
so if you aren't in for the long haul then don't bother.
If you go his way then you have to forget all the other gibberish that
other people spew, you have to believe
in what you are doing, then and only then will you get
the results.
You can't combine his methods with other training
methods, not until you understand what you are
trying to achieve, and even then I have only ever
combined about 2 other trainers ideas and even
then just a snip of what they suggest which works
in parallel with the Wits End concept.
His methods make you as the trainer completely responsible for your
actions, his methods make
you think and work out your own solutions for any
given situation, the default (the recall) is always
there to get things under control again.
His ideas and concepts teach you to work with
the dog, to develop a team and a willingness to
work together which is surely the best way to be.
His methods don't use force or intimidation but
they do totally emphasize the absolute importance
of pack (family pack) structure, without that you
can achieve almost nothing.
If you are wondering how a dog can be trained
without any negativity the answer lies in the recall,
anytime your dog doesn't follow through with a
request you call him / her to you, since the recall
is the first thing taught and it is taught in such a
way it becomes a reflex the dog always returns to
you, it is a subordinate position for the dog and
we release it by asking for a "heel" which is an
"equal" position.
His methods are very good, his understanding
of dogs is excellent, I recommend his methods.
Paul Bousie
Subject: Re: Can packleader influence rank?
Date: 2002-02-25 00:51:48 PST
I use sound to distract the dog and praise it
immediately. The reason for the immediate
praise is that as soon as the dog is distracted
it's no longer thinking of the inappropriate
behaviour so the praise reinforces the "not
doing" the unwanted behaviour.
I use various sound sources, a soda can
with stones in it, car keys, Click my fingers,
etc. Varying the direction of the sound each
time is important too, otherwise the dog may
begin to anticipate the sound and it will lose
it's effect, if the noise direction is random the
dog won't get too familiar with it and it will
remain an effective distraction.
Remember too that we aren't trying to scare the
bejesus outta the dog, simply breaking it's train
of thought while it's thinking of the unwanted
Sometimes you won't even see a reaction but the dog
will have been distracted fleetingly. (Recently one
of my dogs started habitually licking my feet while
I was watching TV, I clicked my fingers on her left
side and told her "good girl" even though she only
paused her licking briefly, next I clicked over her
right side and praised, by about the 4th repeat she
suddenly stopped, I repeated this over a few nights
and now she doesn't lick any more, on the few occasions
she absent mindedly licks now all I do is click and
praise and she immediately stops).
Timing is important too, learn to anticipate when
the dog isthinking about doing the "dirty deed"
and distract and praise then, with any luck the
dog will try again almost immediately so distract
and praise again, if the timing is correct after
about the 4th rep the dog will stop.
I could go on but this post is long enough already,
remember too that the dog isn't being a "bad dog",
it's behaviour is simply inappropriate for the
Happy training, :-)
To: "The Puppy Wizard"
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2004 2:53 PM
Subject: God Bless The Puppy Wizard
Dear Mr. Puppy Wizard,
I have, of late, come to recognize your genius
and now must applaud your attempts to save
animals from painful training procedures.
You are indeed a hero, a man of exceptional talent­,
who tirelessly devotes his days to crafting posts ­to
alert the world to animal abuse.
We are lucky to have you, and more people should
come to their senses and support your valuable
Have you thought of establishing a nonprofit
charity to fund your important work?
Have you thought about holding a press conference
so others can learn of your highly worthwhile
and significant work?
In closing, my only suggestion is that you
try to keep your messages short for most
readers may refuse to read a long message
even if it is from the wise, heroic Puppy Wizard.
I wish you well in your endeavors.
--Marshall Dermer
"The day may come when the rest of
the animal creation
may acquire those right
which never could have been withholden from them
but by the hand of tyranny.
The question is not can they REASON,
nor can they TALK,
but can they SUFFER?" -
- Jeremy Bentham
"A Cheerful Heart Is Good Medicine, But
A Crushed Spirit Dries Up The Bones,"
Proverbs 17:22
"No One Understands How Wits End Training
Really Works; They Assume It's All Nicey Nicey
And don't Realise It's A Very Disciplined Method
That Deals With Any Situation And The Foundation
Is Built On Trust And Understanding.
I've never forced my dogs to do anything,
I tell them they are good dogs and they
seem to follow me, onceI told them they
were bad dogs and they ran away from me,
now I only ever tell them they are good dogs
and they always are, always.
Trust your dog, ask it to do your request and say
"good dog" sincerely at the end of the request and
I bet you'll find your dog thinking then responding
A Bit Of Respect Works Wonders,
The Same Rule Applies
To Every Aspect Of
The Relationship With Your Dog.
Obedience And Affection Are Not Related,
if They Were Everyone Would Have
Obedient Dogs.
I Have Found Giving Dogs "Payment" In Advance
i.e. "Sam sit goodboy" Makes The Dogs WANT TO RESPOND, After All, All Dogs
Want To Be "Good
Dogs" And If You Tell Them They Are Good Then
They Feel An Obligation To Obey Your Request.
Telling Sam He's A Good Dog AFTER He Sit's
Apart From Being Too Late Is Also A Gamble
Because If He Doesn't Sit Then There's No
Positive Interaction.
"Ye shall know the truth,
and the truth shall make you mad." -
~Aldous Huxley.
All Truth Passes Through Three Stages.
First, It Is Ridiculed.
Second, It Is Violently Opposed.
Third, It Is Accepted As Being Self-Evident
-Arthur Schopenhauer-
"Thank you for fighting the fine fight--
even tho it's a hopeless task,
in this system of things.
As long as man is ruling man,
there will be animals (and humans!)
abused and neglected. :-(
Your student," Juanita.
"If you've got them by the balls their
hearts and minds will follow,"
John Wayne.
"Mit der Dummheit kaempfen Goetter selbst vergebens!"
"Against stupidity the Gods themselves contend in vain!"
-Friedrich Schiller.
In Love And Light,
I Remain Respectfully, Humbly Yours
Jerry Howe,
The Sincerely Incredibly Freakin Insanely
Puppy, Child, Pussy, Birdy, Ferret, Goat,
Monkey SpHOWES And Horsey Wizard <{) ;~ ) >
Jerry Howe,
Director of Research,
Human And Animal Behavior
Forensic Sciences Research Laboratory,
BIOSOUND Scientific,
Director of Training,
Wits' End Dog Training
1611 24th St
Orlando, FL 32805
Phone: 1-407-425-5092 (Call ANY TIME)